Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My cat's name is Storm, good for a pet not for a human.
I know everyone is going to call me out of order for saying this, but I think this name is restricted to people with depression only.
I plan on changing my name to this as part of my transition. It's really interesting to me, as I enjoy weather and especially storms (though I don't particularly like lightning), and also it was a name my mom considered giving me, so I think it's a good name for me at least.
It sounds like the name of a Final Fantasy hero.
I don't necessarily like this name. I think it's too fantasy like and very childish. Something an 8 year old would name one of her dolls, perhaps.
It sounds like the parents tried tooooo hard to be like Kylie Jenner.
I think it is a unique and nice name people! Stop saying Storm is a bad word, it's not!
This name is kind of ridiculous.
Not a name anyone can ever consider, ever.
I love thunderstorms (NOT TORNADOES!), but not this name. :/
I love the name Storm! I would kill to have it as my name!
Sounds like the name of a radio station. Don't like it. I'd very much prefer Audra instead.
To everyone who hates this name: You are entitled to your opinion. I personally love it. I'm not planning to get married, but I might adopt and if I do I am going to name my kid this.
Best. Name. Ever.
The old racist Republican senator from South Carolina, Storm Thurmond, who opposed the civil rights act and had a mixed race daughter, ruins this name.
My prediction is that this name, Stormy, and Stormi are all going to increase in popularity (maybe even hit the top 1000) in the U.S. since Kylie Jenner just named her daughter Stormi.
The feminine version was my name and I hated it. I was always asked if it was my real name. I think that it could be cute on another person but I myself don't like it and it doesn't feel like me. I plan on changing my name.
My real name is Storm Powers so many people think it's fake. It's super annoying.
Stormpowers99, I'm sorry you dislike your name but...
That names sounds awesome! I know I'm going to be called dorky for admitting to it, but who cares? This is a comment section: opinion opinion, and another opinion. You have the right to not like your own name. Your full name sounds fake to be honest, but it doesn't stop me from liking it. Many names seem unreal, yet they're still used, considered, or admired. Oh well, you can always change your name if you'd like.
I absolutely love the name Storm.
My son's name is Storm.
Norm was my father's name, who passed away and they always called him Stormie or Storman or Storm. So to all you who say it's a trashy name or it's a soap opera name, there's more to the meaning of a name then you might believe.
My middle name is Storm. I'm 20 years old and I've always gotten compliments on my name. My mom was going to name me Summer Storm but she went with Amber Storm instead. I love the name Storm!
My name is Storm and I'm a girl and 12 years old. My parents were 40 when my mum gave birth to me and my dad had read a book by Lee Child with a girl in it called Storm Courtney. I'm a bit upset to find people's dislike of the name as everyone I have met likes the name... Never met another Storm in real life.
My friend's sister is named Storm and she's never had any comments. She's from Thailand but I think her actual father is South African. My friend's name is Earth, so they go together well.
I personally quite like the name Storm for both a girl and boy, I've used the name for both genders in my stories. However, unless you live in an area where unusual names are common and/or in an area where the child won't get judged, I'd seriously consider when thinking of using it. I think it works best if you're exotically not like the majority of the area, but ultimately, unusual names shape people.
This sounds like a name a child would choose, I dislike that some of the people who comment on here claim there "adults", when there is probably a child behind it. I wouldn't really believe people in the Netherlands are using it, sorry! I do believe Norway, Denmark and America.
I like the sounding. It looks very masculine- no feminine use?
To who ever thinks Storm is a bad name or people that think they have anger issues you are wrong. I love the name Storm because that is my name and I don't care if anyone has that name. It's an amazing name and if your name is Storm you should be proud that it's your name.
Storm is a powerful name that is not for the faint of heart. You cannot predict a child's life nor can you influence it by naming them something safe like Sarah. However, when you name your child with a name like Storm, you give them a gift. The gift of not being lost in a crowd because there are not very many of us. You will never forget a Storm.
My name is Stormi and I was named that by my grandma who loved odd names. I've always liked having my name and only met two others with my name, Storm and Stormy. I think people worry too much about a name causing trouble when children get older. Unless your name is something ridiculous like Strawberry Sunset or an awful respelling of something like Xoeigh instead of Zoe the child's life will not be cursed to go down the toilet. The only trouble I've had with my name is people ending the spelling with every letter and combo ever except for with an i, and a few people thinking it was just my nickname until told otherwise. 99% of the time the name does not make the person. Get to know someone before you judge over a name.
Ultimate unisex name. I like it, don't love it because storms are destructive and deadly, but I do think it is an above average name. It is really a good unisex name though.
My daughter is 8 and her full name is StormieAdell Hunter W. And she loves her name. I think it is a good name.
I named my daughter Storm. I find storms to be beautiful and strong and I want my daughter to be that. She is 4 now and she is very beautiful. Long blonde hair, the prettist blue eyes you would ever see. She has a strong personality. I'm not worried of other people picking on her because I know with her personality she can wipe them out just like a Storm! ;-) she is very caring and loving. She's the perfect Storm.
I am sorry that some of you feel the way that you do about the name Storm. I was named this in the late 70's, my parents were not Hippies. My father named me after a character in a book. She was a Strong warrior who fought for what was right. I am not an angry person, I am not a mean person. I was born before X-men, I am not Odd, and it is not Tack, Tack, Tack as one person described. It also does not lack maturity and sophistication. I love my name and I am told everyday that it is a cool name by people that I meet and how much they love it. I hate that people base an opinion on a name and not the person. I am a good person and honestly, to know that there are people out there that would judge me by my name before they ever got to know me is offensive. I have met lots of people with common sweet names and after getting to know them they are not all that sweet. And to anyone who is worried about how this name will affect your child, well I will admit that I did have some problems as a child from some kids who just had a bad attitude and need someone to pick on, but adults and teachers always loved it. I would not change my name to save my life. I even had my middle name removed because it was just too COMMON.
I actually met a very sweet girl named Stormy, and I didn't think badly of her for a second. I like Stormy better than Storm. Storm is too short.
I met a ten year-old boy named Storm recently, and in total contrast to his name, was quite a well-behaved kid--not hyper in the slightest (unlike a "stormy" personality). It made me like the name a bit more. Still not sure I'd use it, though.
I think it's a beautiful name, and unlike most people, I like storms and rain and hate sunny weather. However, I wouldn't use it as a first name, only as a middle name.
I've tried to hate this name but I just can't. It's so cool!I'm guessing it's more popular than average in Melbourne, Victoria which has an NRL team called the Storm.
This is my boyfriends name & he does not have a anger or attitude problem, he is the opposite of that=) I really like this name I know a girl and a boy Storm, but I think it's a boy name. I would recommend this name for a boy=)
Totally hippie! Storm sounds tacky as a first name regardless of sex. It also sounds like a name that drug-addicted rock stars would name their kids.
A girl name but it does remind me of someone with a temper. It's a great down to earth name.
My name is Storm and I'm a girl. My parents named me this because it was the weather on the day I was born.
I like my name, especially because people don't name their children this a lot. I never needed to worry about my teachers confusing me with like six other kids in my class.To those of you who don't like my name or think it reminds them of a soap opera name, I say whatever. I really think it's down-to-earth. What's more natural than water and wind coming together and on occasion lightning creating fire? Even though they can be destructive they are also beautiful and strong. So why not let a girl have a strong name?
Sounds much, much more like a stage name than a real name.
Storm is my five year old nephew's name and I am honestly not a fan of it. Every time I hear it, I think of a weather forecast. He is mostly called by nicknames though such as Stormy bear or Storin Norman. Although I think his name sounds a bit better if you say the whole combo of Storm Gregory.
This sounds weird as a name. Sounds more like a character name than a real-life person's name.
I know a female Storm, when I first heard her name I was quite surprised. And honestly, would you like being named after something possibly destructive? And to the person who said Stormy and Misty were cute names for twins - please, no. Don't. If someone names their twin girls that, they probably will not be pleased.
This is my two-year-old niece's name. My sister has loved it since she was a teenager, and no, she doesn't have a fascination with X-Men. I don't mind the name, but I picture my niece's first days of school--teacher reading Storm off the roll, expecting a boy, and looking up to see a pretty blonde girl--and I can't help but feel sorry for her. It doesn't help that her middle name isn't feminine either (it's O'Neal).
This is the name of my twin sister, and she is not a tomboy or androgynous or anything like that at all. In fact, she's quite feminine, although the name suits her quite well.
This is not a good name, it sounds like someone with a bad attitude.
Tacky, tacky, tacky. An utter soap name. I can't really imagine this name on any conventional adult. Not that you have to be conventional. But it lacks a certain maturity and sophistication, and it sounds like something young and immature parents name their kids because they think it sounds cool, which it doesn't. It's on the level of tackiness that Rush is. This name is far worse on girls, as it doesn't sound feminine at all, and it will probably sound good on tomboys only. Sorry, but this name lacks the required spunk to work on androgynous and indie rocker type girls and women. It sounds more like a pseudonym anyway.
This is one of my favourite names, it's great to use in stories. The name is a bit dark like there is something underneath the character that you don't really know about. I've actually used it before.
I've known several girls named Stormy, I really dislike it though. I think it just gives a bad impression.
This name sounds like it belongs to someone with an anger problem, no offense to any Storms out there.
Storm is my middle name. I don't know why my mom thought it would be nice to give me two middle names because they sounded good together. "Kayla Marie Storm".
This is a rather odd name for a child, but Stormy and Misty might make cute twin names.

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