Comments (Personal Impression Only)

THiS is the best name ever i love this name it has such a unique tone to it.
I don't know why people call this a "old man" name. The only Steven I knew was a boy in my 3rd and 4th grade class, this was about 2016/17 so not too long ago. I called him "Steve" once, he did not like it πŸ˜‚. I personally don't think it sounds old at all.
All Steves seem to be grandfathers or older dads nowadays. You hardly ever meet a young Steve. If so, I would expect that he was named after a relative.
People with this name are always very nice. They're very smart and helpful. Uncommon name and very beautiful.
I hate this name so much, I can't stand it. It's boring, plain, so tacky and an old man name! Yawnnnn.
Not bad but generic and a bit dated.
Boring as hell.
Dull name.
Simply, just a boring name!
In my opinion this name should be pronounced stee-vun, and Stephen should be pronounced stehf-un.
Incorrect spelling.
Stephen Is Better.
It’s nice, but I don’t think I’d ever use it.
A nice-sounding name, but just way too common for my taste.
I wonder why this name is rated 86% modern. It was the name of a couple of English kings, and it's been around since the Middle Ages.
I like the name Steven, as well as the TV show Steven Universe, which has really good animation and good characters and an interesting plot, only blocked by the filler episodes that stop the story from going on. Steven I think is timeless as I can imagine a young kid, a middle-aged man or a grandfather. I can’t say if I like Steven or Stephen, I like Steven because it makes more sense to spell it that way with how the name is pronounced. At the same time, Stephen is just a bit more timeless and rare, but it creates the chance to pronounce it STEF-in, as in Stephen Curry. So while I like both, I think I would use Steven.
This was my favourite male name for many years. It isn't any more, but I still really like it. Stephen seems a little more classic, perhaps. I like Steve, either way. I associate Steven with Steven Gerrard, and Stephen with Stephen King. I have known so many guys with this name, and it does sound slightly dated nowadays, but still more on the classic side, and very handsome.
I know a few Steven's and Steve's, it's common but I like how it's not overused either. This name should make a comeback, I wish it would be as common as Michael or Daniel.
I am a Steven born in 1952 and through grade school there were always 3 Steven's in my class each year. To keep them apart one was called Steven, one was called Steve, and one was called Stevie--which I always escaped. In the neighborhood where I grew up we had 6 kids named Steve which immediately presented a problem which was solved with us all getting nicknames (mine was Cheech which was short for Chi Chi) and nobody was left to be called Steve. But back then nearly every kid had a nickname. I've had people use a number of variations on my name over the years--Steve-o, Stever, Steverino, Stefan, Stefano. Now I'm an old man and Steve has never seemed like an old man's name to me.
I still don't know why Steve or Steven was such a popular name in the 1950s in America.
Steven is a great name! It's common, but it's a brilliant classic. Plus it's very handsome sounding and masculine. :)
It's such a great name. Strong and suitable for all ages, and a name that is certainly never going to go to the girls. I have a feeling Steven will return to the top 100 in a few years.
I've actually never met anyone with this name; everyone I know is a Stephen. I like Steven better.
I like this name, it's very laid back and soft to pronounce.
It's a nice name, but too common, and for me immediately brings to mind the hideous singer Steven Tyler.
Not too common, which is nice.
I know only one Steven, my cousin. The name fits him so well. It's perfectly masculine, strong, and handsome. However, I'm not to fond of the spelling Stephen, for some reason.
Based on the amount of people who've rated this name I can only assume that many who frequent this site are either named Steven, married to a Steven, or have a relative named Steven. It's a nice name and one that I think will make a comeback eventually.
This name is okay. I've only met one Steven and he was a very energictic kid. That's the connection I make when I hear it; a earnest boy who wants to please. I think it ages well, unlike some names like Chip.
I like this name, and I don't like it when people spell it with a PH instead of a V. It just looks better with a V. Anyhow, I think this name is strong-sounding, and it could do with or without the nickname of Steve.
There is something about the sound of this name I have never liked. I think it is the long e sound. At any rate, I associate this name with a nerdy guy because I have known two Stevens who were very geeky and one who was borderline geeky. I know not all Stevens are geeky, it is just an association I can't help making. If one must use this name, I prefer the spelling Stephen.
Steven was most popular about 50 years ago which makes it very out of style right now and boring. I prefer the Stephen spelling because it is more classic.
I know too many guys with this name. It isn't a bad name and I do prefer this spelling the best. For me it is overused. I have also seen the spelling Stevin.
I like this name a lot - mostly because it's my first name. It is not so unusual that it gets butchered all the time (like my last name) and yet there are not too many other Stevens that I know. It can sound very formal or be shortened to "Steve" for a more relaxed sound.

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