Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It’s so pretty! Definitely a cute name for a cute girl, it’s both youthful and mature which is great!
Stacie with an "ie" is how I say my name to people who are writing it down. Rarely have I ever had someone ask me if it's spelled with a "y" or an "ie".
I'm 48 and never met another Stac"ie".
Never found anything growing up with my name spelled right. Only recently have I seen my name spelled correctly on personalized items. YAY! Too bad I'm too old for the bike license plate.
I'm biased but I think "ie" is very feminine and the best spelling of Stacie.
People who have trouble remembering names usually call me Tracy at first.Nicknames include Stace and Stacems ("stay-sums").I've met a Stacy, a Stacey, and a Staci, but never another Stacie.I don't mind the spelling at all. I find it to be more pleasing to the eyes than Stacy/Stacey.
I love the spelling Stacie. It looks and sounds so cute and pretty! :D.
This is my name. I like this spelling because it is more unique than Stacy or Stacey-- except that everyone always wants to spell it with the "y" or "ey" and I have to correct them. I also have a lot of people want to call me "Tracy" even after I have told them my name and it is really annoying. And sometimes people will hear me wrong when I say my name and think I am saying "Daisy". Anyway, I like my name pretty well. People who are close friends or family call me Stace for short. I rarely meet other girls named Stacie. I do actually know quite a few guys with this name, but they spell it with the "y" or "ey", which is usually the male spelling.
I don't like the name Stacie, there is just something annoying about it.
I like this spelling rather than Stacey.
I always thought the name Stacie was pretty. It is dainty and elegant.

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