In the 2006 anime series 'Fairy Musketeers', the main character's name is Souta Suzukaze (鈴風草太). The kanji used here (草太) are 草 (grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, etc) and 太 (plump, thick, big around).
― Anonymous User 1/8/2021
Sōta Hirayama, is a Japanese footballer who currently plays for Vegalta Sendai. He has represented Japan's U-20 team at the 2003 and 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship, and the U-23 team at the 2004 Olympics.
Sōta Aoyama is a Japanese male actor. He is best known for originating the role of Sadaharu Inui of the first generation Seigaku cast of the Prince of Tennis musical series, Tenimyu, and also played the role of Kaito Toma, the human host of Ultraman Max in the 2005 Ultraman Max series.