My name is Sofia, and I inherited it from my Grandmother. I am Greek, and in our culture Greeks are named after Saints. So with that comes a secondary birthday known as our Saint’s Name Day. Each Saint’s day comes with a date that we celebrate and carries more weight than our actual birthday. My Name Day is September 17th. My birthday is September 6th. It’s common in Greek culture to see friends and family wishing a happy Name Day on social media or celebrating the day with gifts. Another fun fact about Saint’s Name Day is that most Greek families follow the tradition of naming their children after a Saint Name, children inherit their grandmother’s or grandfather’s name. So my namesake can be tracked over hundreds and thousands of generations past. This can be useful when land is passed over the generations and little confusion as to whom will inherit property. There are many more factors involved with inheritances, but I would need chapters of space to go into detail, so I’ll leave it at that; and anyone with an interest in Greek Name Days can research it further and hopefully add to the tread.
The name "Sophia/Sofia" is derived from the Latin root word, Sophos, meaning "wise." The original version is spelt Sophia, with a ph, like soPHos. Sofia is later variation of Sophia.
This name derives from the Greek word: ΣΟΦΙΑ=wisdom. In Istanbul is the famous Christian Orthodox church: Saint Sofia-Hagia Sofia. (still museum, not allowed to be church!). Bulgarian capital has the same name.
Another fun fact about Saint’s Name Day is that most Greek families follow the tradition of naming their children after a Saint Name, children inherit their grandmother’s or grandfather’s name. So my namesake can be tracked over hundreds and thousands of generations past. This can be useful when land is passed over the generations and little confusion as to whom will inherit property. There are many more factors involved with inheritances, but I would need chapters of space to go into detail, so I’ll leave it at that; and anyone with an interest in Greek Name Days can research it further and hopefully add to the tread.