Sorry to anyone with this name but I despise it! It looks so ugly. The pronunciation is awkward too, it's too short and it's like a mismatch of words..
Like Blanche, Sloane really needs that E at the end. Sloan just... doesn't look right to me. Not that Sloan seems more masculine, necessarily (it doesn't), but it looks more "surname as a first name" than Sloane does.
Whenever I hear this name I picture in my mind an anthropomorphic slime girl for some reason. That doesn't mean I will not consider this name for my daughter, though, because I actually like this name.
I love this name. The first time I heard it I misheard it and thought it was 'alone' and then a couple minutes later I heard it again and fell in love with it right after that. Soon after that I started planing name ideas for a future daughter: Sloan Mckenna Sloan Ivy Sloan Joanne Sloan Renea Sloan Dory I really wanted to name one of my two daughters that, but sadly my husband turned all of the above down :[
Love it! My name is Ellison "Ellie". It's a family name for me, but I think it's cute. Personally I don't think it should be a first name, but maybe that's just me.
One of the ugliest and unattractive names I have ever came across. But spelling wise, I can understand why "Sloane" is more popular. Horrible name but spelling wise, Sloane is by far better.
― Anonymous User 6/28/2016
My oldest son's name is Sloan. It's my grandmother's maiden name. I've grown to love the name more over the years. He's 8 years old now. He's the only Sloan at his school. We haven't met any other Sloan's. He is very smart, athletic, and he has a wonderful personality. He's tough and I can't imagine him having any other name!
I'm surprised to see how uncommon this name is, because I know 2 people named Sloan. I honestly don't like it very much, it's not very pretty and doesn't sound like a name to me.
― Anonymous User 2/22/2013
As I have ancestors with this surname, I could easily use it. I've since, however, discovered that it means "raid" and now all I can think about are insect spray commercials. I would have never considered it as a name at all, but I keep seeing it on name sites lately. I could see this on a boy as well, but I think the general consensus is that it's a girl's name.
I actually really like this name. I don't know if I would put it as a first name, but definitely a middle name. It's unique, pretty, classy, and strong. Very nice name.
When I first read this name in novel, I thought it was the weirdest name for a girl I had ever seen. It's been a few years since then, and I had forgotten about it until it came up while I was watching tv. You know what? I rather like this name now, athough I don't know if I would want to name a child that. It seems more appropriate for the place I first read it. A novel.