In 2002 I gave my newborn daughter the name Skye. It matches her personality perfectly. And she loves her name. I became aware of the name after watching The Patriot with Mel Gibson. The daughter, Susan, the one who didn’t speak, the actress who played her was named Skye McCole Bartusiak. I thought she had portrayed the part so well for her age, and I loved the name.
― Anonymous User 7/21/2023
I like this spelling because it is connected to the Isle of Skye and the Norse spelling. It is a beautiful name. I see it on a strong girl with an adventurous free spirit. I hate when people say it's unprofessional. I think we need to have more diversity in names and start judging people by merit. What could be unprofessional to you might have deep cultural meanings to someone else.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2023
Wowowowowo great name! Very cool nice! Wow! Man!
― Anonymous User 11/12/2022, edited 11/12/2022
Skye is a pretty cool name! I like it as a unisex name.
In my eyes, this is a short name done beautiful. I am really not a fan of the short names these days, but this one really speaks to me! The meaning is beautiful, the name sounds cute, it is thoughtful. I love it!
I like this name so much that I had my middle name legally changed to Skye. I'm not young, tall, or slender but I think it suits me. I would've changed my first name too, but that would've offended my parents. I plan to drop my first name someday. Maybe I'll move to a different city/state where nobody knows me. It's hard to convince people to call you by a different name than what they're used to calling you.
Skye is a gorgeous name. I've never met anyone called Skye, but I never thought it could be used on a boy until about two minutes ago. It's nice, but I still prefer it on a girl. Evie Skye, Millie Skye and Skye Jasmine are pretty combinations. Whenever I hear this name, I think of the main character in 'Marshmallow Skye' by Cathy Cassidy. She is blonde and slim, cool and kind and eccentric and individual and imaginative, with a twin sister named Summer. These are both amazing names.
I like Liliana Skye or Eliana Skye. It just seems pretty, in my opinion. Plus I really like Skye on a female, because its naturey and peaceful. Although I don't like how close it is to sly.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2017
I think Skye is s beautiful name. I named my golden retriever Skye, a boy, I have had comments that it's a girl's name, why? It's a name and so gorgeous just like my retriever, I named him after the isle of Skye which we took him to last year, the locals thought it was lovely that we called him after such a beautiful place.
For those of you who have said the name Skye is cheap or is a gay male's name, how stupid are you, really? You sound like you have the I.Q. of a piece of bread. Skye is a powerful and hard to forget name. Most people, upon learning my name absolutely love it. It's an extremely individualistic name. I've only met one other Skye during my life. As someone else said here, almost everyone forgets to add the 'e' so I have made a habit of letting them know before they've even spelt it out because I know 9/10 they will spell it Sky. I personally haven't met a male with the name Skye but personally think it's a beautiful name for whoever is named that or would like to be called Skye.
My name is Skye and I'm Non-binary and most Non-binary people change their name to something more neutral but I'm going to keep mine the same because I feel it is neutral.
I checked the charts, it's only a girl's name. Skyler is masculine. Only works on a girl, beautiful girls and hideous, prissy boys have this name. I think it sounds like a girl name. Reminds me of Paw patrol as there is a female dog named Skye. Skye can be a masculine middle name. But Skyler is more masculine. Sky looks like a word or a nickname for Skylar or Skyler. It is also too short for a girls name but Skye is perfect.
My Name is Skye. I think the name is sorta old. I like it, yes, But there are times when I wish my name was Skylar or something. It's because that's like my nickname. I'm 16, and literally everyone spells my name wrong when I tell them what it is. But other than that, everyone likes my name. That's all that matters I guess.
My best friend's name is Skye. She likes her name because nobody ever forgets it. I disagree with the "gay" comments. It's an ambiguous name even though it is most commonly used on women. I don't think it's cheap. It's proper grammar to put an 'E' at the end of the name Skye.
I really like this name, although I tend to give common names geographical connotations like Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. I actually think of this in terms of the variant of Sky. After all, the sky is a place, so I guess that is a geographical connotation as well.
Hi just thought I would add a comment my eldest daughter Skye was born in 2002 I absolutely love the name and so does she. Like many people with the name Skye she was named after the isle of Skye, such a beautiful place. The name is becoming a lot more common now in the U.K. When I named my daughter back in 2002 people thought I was mad and said she would get bullied but she has never been bullied over her name.
Named my 5 month old Pembroke Corgi girl "SKYE" and everyone comments "what a beautiful name". I picked the name mainly because of the Corgi origins that I found in researching the breed. Beautiful pup, beautiful name - everyone happy!
After traveling to the Isle of Skye, which is one of the most strong, beautiful landscapes you can imagine (green island, dark rocky shore, crashing waves and brilliant blue skies) we decided to name our first born son Skye. After some relatives reacted in a negative way we made it his middle name instead. Sometimes wish we hadn't. I agree it's a strong, charismatic name for a man or a woman, when spelled SKYE. My son is tall, and really strong with light hair and pale green eyes. He's also really smart and kind. The name fits him to a T. Some of the negative remarks here sound like they come from jealous 12 year old girls! Really. At any rate, Skye... I wouldn't change your name, I would embrace it. Who cares if people always tell you it's beautiful! That's a good thing. Just because all Americans don't know the Isle of Skye doesn't make the name (after the island) any less powerful or beautiful. Visit there someday and I think you'll appreciate it even more. It's strong and powerful.
My name is Skye, and let me just personally tell you if you don't want your child to change their name the moment they turn 18, DONT NAME THEM THIS! Not only do I have the poor parenting of almost being named Skye Blue, but I also have to deal with all the small talk that comes with this name. Nobody understands how to properly spell it for one (Starbucks is a pain!) but many people I meet constantly say what a pretty name. Also, people think that your name is short for something. For the hundredth time, my name is not skyler. Sure, having this name can sometimes have its advantages, it being short and you can tell everybody you have a dog breed and island that shares your name. I don't think I'll ever end up loving my name, I'm probably going to switch it to Jane in a few years.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2015
Love this name as a boy or girl name, it's free spirited and fun! I will actually be naming my English cream golden retriever this! (and it's a boy).
Hmmm, looks feminine but sounds masculine.When I hear this name, I think of it as a nickname for Skyler, Skylar, scuyler which I prefer for boys.
― Anonymous User 5/17/2015
We named our first child Skye (4 now) and love the name. It's bright sounding, memorable, and not too common (we've only met one other Skye). It is a name where there are some opportunities to tease, e.g. one (adult) friend has joked - what will you call your second child, Virgin Media? [both are satellite tv companies in the UK] And one of my wife's uncle's likes to pretend he thought we'd called her Skype. Overall we're delighted with the name, and it really suits our daughter - a striking young girl, like her name.
I love the name Sky/Skye. Either way people spell it I think it's more a girls name, but I love it for boys as well. I will be calling my puppy Skye and it will be a boy.
This name sounds very young and immature, and only belongs on a pet or a 15 year old fictional stripper.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2013
My name is Skye and I'm male, and I personally love my name (No, I'm not gay). I've never found a straight-up definition of this name, but I have been given multiple separate answers, and people have told me it means: eternal, winged, protected, sheltering, and enduring. So for me really, it's a survivor's name.These meanings are pretty legitimate for me, and I hope this answer helps.
This is my middle name and what everyone called me during my childhood. People have often asked if my parents were hippies and I have to explain it's taken from the Isle of Skye. Still, it's a nice name that most people have told me is "cool."
― Anonymous User 7/13/2011
I chose the name Skye for my daughter back in mid 1975. While stuck on board an aircraft carrier in the middle of the west pacific, I found an old magazine with an article about the Scottish Isle of Skye. The island sounded so green, so eternal and serene that I said to myself if I ever have a daughter I will name her Skye... it also sounded well with my Celtic last name. 3 years later my daughter was born and we named her Skye.
I think Skye is a great name for either a boy or a girl. It gives you the impression of either a very pure or easy-going, free-spirited individual. Personally, I like it more as a boy's name, but I've heard of girls named Skye.I also like this spelling of the name. It seems far less pretentious and generic than Sky. It also seems more like a name, and less like something someone braindead enough to name their kid "Apple" would pick as a runner-up.
I don't mind this after the Isle of Skye, but it seems to me that it's basically "Sky" with a dollop of girlyness. While Sky might not seem that hideously juvenile on a person, Skye seems to be a hurricane of rainbow pony giggles. Skye might be a decent middle name, but it seems oddly butchered. As an American, I can't help but think people's thoughts aren't going to flash to the island.
I hated this name and thought it sounded annoying and faddish at first, but over time I really grew to like it (but only with this spelling). It could only work on a girl/woman with a certain physical appearance and personality, though; this is one of those names that not just anyone could pull off past early childhood.
It's funny that both Sky and Skye are listed solely as girl names, because the Sky/Skye(s) I've known, they're male! So, personally, I prefer this name on a boy--and I don't think it's a weak name in the least.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2009
This is my first name and I love it! Yes, I got all the SkyTV etc. nonsense as a child, but I have always been proud to have an unusual name. I like the spelling, I think it sounds more like a name than Sky, although I like that spelling too. I have only ever met one other person called this, and she spelt it Sky. Personally, I think it is better as a girls name, but that is only because I never really thought of it for a boy. As a boy's middle name it might be alright.
I adore this name, and I think it works better for females, although males could have it for a middle name. I would like to call my daughter Skye, if I so had one.
I have a friend who plans to use this name. Honestly, I'm not too fond of it. It seems cute for a young girl, but a grown woman, maybe not so. However, it's definitely quirky and unforgettable. I think it makes a better middle name than forename, but each to their own. It's quite common at the moment, but I've never actually met anyone with this name and its popularity will eventually fall. It's not my favourite name, but there's definitely worse.
It's pretty (with this spelling ONLY), but I'd only use it on the right person, like a girl who's slender and fair. On someone else, say, a fat, hairy woman, I'd recommend changing it.
Skye is my middle name. My first name is Ariel, and I think Ariel Skye is a very pretty combination. I come from a pilot family, and so my name makes sense, especially when you think how similar Ariel is to aerial.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2008
I absolutley love the name Skye. My eldest daughter is called Skye and really likes it too. No one else in our area has it. Every one comments one what a lovely unusual name it is.
I prefer this spelling to Sky, as it just looks so concrete, so literal, and this one looks more like a name, if you get my drift. Kind of like Raine looks better than Rain. I think this name is far better for females, even though the name Skylar sounds strictly masculine to me nowadays. It's a pretty name, but it's sort of cliché as a middle name by now, and I REALLY think people should stop combining this name with names like Heaven Lee, Misty, Summer, September, and other names that make the combo mean something in the very language that people in the country and the area where the poor person has to live and struggle for credibility, speak, that is, English. I say, use this as a first name, or combine the name with another name with a hyphen.
Skye is MY name. To be honest, I wish I had something more feminine and flowing, even though everybody loves it and claims that it isn't unisex because only a gay dude would be named Skye. Nobody ever forgets me, that's for sure.It's definitely not cheap as somebody here said.
My name is Skye, and I haven't ever met anyone else with the name, male or female. I don't think it is a 'gay' name for a guy, how can a name be 'gay'? I think it would be a lovely middle name for a boy, although I wouldn't choose it for a first name.
Ok, I'm offended at what these users are saying about gay men. To the person 1 comment above me, I'd like to say that all gay men are NOT weird people with feminine names. That's a stereotype, and it's horrendous that you think according to stereotypes. To the person above me, how does being gay make you less of a man?P. S. Skye is an ok name.
I never said Skye was a "gay dude" name; I was quoting what other people have said to me when I complained that my name wasn't feminine enough; I am an avid feminist and I want a name that lets people know automatically that I am a woman. My brother is gay and I prefer women to men, so don't even try to pull the "hate" card on me.
I disagree 100% with the "gay dude" comment. This is my son's middle name and he is all boy for sure and has some gorgeous sky blue eyes at that. I think "earthy", mythology, & "word" names are very hot & cold. People either love or hate them, hardly ever in between.
― Anonymous User 1/18/2007
This name is not very creative and it sounds so cheap! That's right, cheap!
A very pretty name. I like the uniqueness of it. Definitely for me it is a girls name whether it has an "e" on the end of it or not. Makes a great middle name too.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
I think the name Skye is cool. One reason is because that is my name. But it wasn't used that much when I was born, and now it is becoming really popular. I guess I'm sad and happy that it is being used more. Sad becuse I don't feel that special, but happy that maybe soon it will be in baby books and I'll know what my name means. I guess I just have mixed emotions. Oh well.
My name is Skye and I'm a female. I love my name even though it is confusing for people when they read my name and mistake me for a boy, or when I have to constantly remind people to put the E on the end of my name. I'm 16 and when I was born it was much more unusual than it is today. I love how it comes from the Old English for "scholar" which comes from the latin "scholaris". I'm thrilled that I was born with this name and hope that it doesn't get too much more popular because it is a wonderful thing to be born with such an unusual name.