Shaelyn and most other names that end in -lyn or -lynn remind me of that scene in Ted where the 2 guys are listing trashy names.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2022, edited 11/23/2022
I really like the name Shaelyn because I like the -lyn ending. It’s beautiful and not strange. Though I do prefer Shaylin because I do not like Shae- it looks very strange. This name makes the Shay even more beautiful. If you’re a fan of the name Brooklyn or Berlin come check Shaylin out!
The history of how I became Shaelyn : When my mom was pregnant with me, she was at a local grocery store & heard a lady a few isles over yelling at her daughter who's name was Shaelyn. My mom said it just flowed so easily when that kid was getting in trouble & was sold on it after that. Lol But I do really like my name because it isn't a common name.
I named my daughter Shaelyn. As a teacher, it was hard to find a name that didn’t make me think of a past student. I wanted her to be unique. The other prerequisite was that I wanted her name to be Irish. I think she likes her name. The only problem with her name is how people say it. The emphasis should be on the first syllable, not the second. They make it sound southern or as if it’s her middle name.
My daughter's name is Shealyn. I chose it because my name is Sheila Lynn and in the town we lived in no one has that name. She's the only Shealyn in that town. She prefers Shea but she is proud of her name. And she tells everyone that her name is Greek and that it's unique to her.
This is my daughter's name who is now 22. When I thought of this name, I had never heard it before and still rarely hear it now. I don't think it sounds too feminine, but I DEFINITELY don't think it sounds trashy either. Also I think it's how you pronounce it. Many people put an emphasis on the Shae part, but I wanted the emphasis to be on the Lyn part... shaeLYN. All in all, she loves her name and so do I and that's all that matters.
I like the name Shaelyn, it sounds very pretty and elegant.
― Anonymous User 1/14/2018
I think I'm getting tired of hearing all these names ending in -lyn now..-.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2015
One of my best friends is called Shaelyn. Her full names are (Shaelyn Izabelle Rebeccanne Kascarichia Abela] and she is one of the nicest people I know. The people who said it's tacky or 'stinks of trailer park' don't know what they're talking about. It's a lovely name and it's great to have rarer names.
My friend's little cousin who was born last year had this name... I wasn't sure if it was even a real name, since her parents like to use "unique" names. I agree with the majority of you, as does my friend: this name is very childish and trendy sounding. I personally don't like Shae, it sounds like the kind of name a redneck or a teen mom would have. And adding -lyn to every other name doesn't make it pretty, Madelyn being the only exception. Made up names don't work, people!
― Anonymous User 2/26/2013
Shae is very tacky and stinks of trailer-park. Lyn is dull and overused. Slamming them together doesn't make a pretty name, just a weird mutation that really needs to disappear.
This is actually a very pretty name. It sounds much better than Raelyn, Braelyn, Kaylyn, and the likes. It also sounds much nicer than Shae on its own. I don't think there's any reason to rail against this name, unless you still wage a war against names like Marilyn and Sherilyn, which are also combinations of a name and the ending -lyn. The -lyn ending in nothing new, and it sure beats the horrendous -leen/lene, which always makes me think of ditzy country girls from the 1950s. This ending also sounds more mature than the -ey/ie ending, and it has a slightly old-fashioned, but charming feminine feel to it. That said, this doesn't exactly sound like the name of a future president or scientist, but not all names have to sound officious and serious, as most people wind up ordinary anyway. Of course, the name IS a bit cutesy and frilly for someone highly intelligent and ambitious.
I love my name and am proud of it. People may say that it won't suit me when I grow up, but I think they are wrong. I love my name and am not going to change it just because I grow up.
My aunt is called Shaelyn and it suits her but it's also my middle name and people say it suits me (I'm 14) so I say it suits all ages. I like having a different name than everyone else, it's unique, the only problem is no one can pronounce it. :)
― Anonymous User 5/20/2007
Shaelyn is a pretty name. I've heard of a couple of Shaelyn's who are adults and the name suits them well. In choosing a name I think it's more important that the parents love the sound of it rather than feel the need to adhere to some strict (and sometimes ridiculous) "name rulebook". If you love the name, choose it!
― Anonymous User 5/12/2007
I loathe these trendy "-yn" names; they only fit when the child is little, but children grow up and the name looks awkward on an adult. And how many parents are there who choose a trendy name, claiming that they are being "unique", and then find out that every other parent has chosen that same name for their child? Following trends is the opposite of being unique; you're doing what everyone else is doing (and deluded, at that, for thinking that you are going against the grain). If a child will go through life with a ridiculous name, it's the parent's fault.