I think this is such a pretty name with a very cool history and association with the poet. That being said, I think this wouldn't be the very best choice as a name for a child because, #1 from what I've seen, it seems to have some pretty strong associations with the lgbtq community, which isn't a bad thing, it just may be awkward or inconvenient for the bearer, whether or not they are a part of said community, and not everyone is going to be nice about it (not that it's okay), and #2, the history and associations with the poetess who was literally called the 10th muse by Plato himself is a lot to live up to for an everyday person. That all being said, maybe as a cool middle name?
A delightfully exquisite name with a good meaning and a good connection. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being homosexual (by the way, I'm not straight) and, if anything, romantic attraction that does not align with the social norm is a profoundly magical experience rooted in a desire to physically and spiritually embrace your lover. Isn't that a beautiful idea? Some of these commenters said homophobic things, but their opinions matter, too, even if they are incorrect.
I personally love this name! I wouldn't use it on a daughter, though. Not because of the queer associations, but because it's so strongly associated with a historical figure that I admire deeply, and I don't want to put that kind of pressure on my kid. Might use this on an original character, though!
Y'all, c'mon. What if your child turns out to be straight? Even if it weren't the name of a lesbian poet, it's still REALLY unflattering. Please, do not do this. At all costs, do not name your child Sappho.
It's very feminine. Then again, gems are very feminine to me, except Jasper. I like it, but she might get teased. And wasn't Sappho bisexual?
― Anonymous User 1/11/2018
Being a lesbian who's studied a lot of LGBT+ history, I've found this name to be inherently associated with queer women, and it's well-known (in the lesbian community at least) what the poet Sappho was famous for. I like the sound of the name, but I don't recommend naming a daughter this because she will quickly be turned into a social experiment over it. People will make comments about her parents, they will make homophobic jokes, and if the poor thing turns out to be straight she might have a hard time convincing people of her heterosexuality because of her name.
This name strikes me as masculine, but really it works on either gender. It's one of those names that you could choose before you know the gender of your baby.
― Anonymous User 1/30/2016
It just think it's ugly and nothing more... sorry.
Sounds more like it could be a nickname for Sapphire/Sapphira.
― Anonymous User 2/4/2010
I don't like this name. The O at the end makes it look ugly, and the association with lesbians is quite strong. It would lead to a lot of teasing when people find out about the historical Sappho.
Pretty. I don't really like the way the 'o' on the end meshes with the name though. I'd also be afraid that people would see me as some man-hating jerk trying to make a statement if I named a girl this.
I don't know what it is about this name. Maybe the history behind it. Maybe that I like sapphires. I don't know--but I like it.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2009
Despite the 'o' at the end, this name sounds very feminine. The name sounds quite exquisite in a way, but also a bit foreign, and having the name would be hard in this world of heterosexist tyranny. It would seem like a statement rather than the case of liking the sound of it, and even though many agree with me that lesbian love is a beautiful thing, people might still assume you're some type of separatist weirdo.