Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My name is Saphirra but mine is double r instead of double p I just realized how unique my name is- I love it!
It’s funny how people think there is only one “proper” pronunciation for this name. Both “Sah-FY-ruh” and “Sah-feer-uh” are equally acceptable and both have been used.Personally, I hate when people add the word “fear” into my name. I like when my name sounds more like the gemstone “sapphire” and sounds like it has the word “fire” in it.I think it’s totally okay for a name to have more than one pronunciation. Neither is more “proper”.A good example of this is the more common name of “Andrea” there are four ways to pronounce this common name and all are correct... So, Sapphira can have more than one pronunciation and both are totally fine.
So my name is Sapphira and all my life it has always been pronounced "sa fear ra." And my nickname is Saphi, pronounced "Saffy" So yeah, I don't know any of these other pronunciations.
I think, for the sake of euphony, this name has to be pronounced "suh-FEER-uh". "suh-FIE-ruh" just sounds like you're trying too hard.
The vast majority of people will pronounce it Sa-FEER-uh.
I've always pronounced this name sa-FEAR-rah.

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