It can be used as a pet form of Samnang (especially if someone with that name is living in an English-speaking country where that name is not commonly used).
Strangely, I know a guy called Sam. The strange thing is that Sam is apparently a short form of the name Samael, which has got to be one of the strangest, weirdest and most bewitching names I've ever heard. He hates it. I find it fascinating. Our first ever conversation was about his name, with me going "How the hell did you get a name like Samael? You Gnostic or something?".Samael is, in Gnostic mythology, the name of the 'blind god' or 'God of the Blind', a third of the evil Demiurge. Primarily, the name in Judaicas is of the Angel of Death and means 'venom of God'. His mother was a philosophy student who got hooked on Gnosticism, and she liked the sound of Samael. He was -very- nearly named Yaldabaoth or Azarael. His brother got Azarael instead.Poor guy xP Love him, though.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2007
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