Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name reminds me of a happy little girl who likes to play on the beach or something. Maybe because of the S initial, like sun, sea and sand.
My parents named me Cecile and gave me the nickname Sally to avoid the nickname Ceil (as in seal, the animal). I have met very few Sally's my age, most are in my parents' generation. I prefer being called Sally rather than Cecile. People at least know how to spell it, but they also mishear it as Sandy, Shelly, Allie, etc. I am not the social butterfly type, I have always been shy, but less so now that I'm older. There are a ton of songs about girls named Sally. Also, I recently learned that some people use Sally to describe a weak male, as in "He's such a Sally!"
Such a 60s name.
I think this name is very sweet and could suit a lady of any age. It could work on its own, but it could be a nickname for something like Salacia, Salvadora, Salma, Salima, Salome, Sahliha, Salvota, Salvatrice, Salesia, Salda, Salvia (I'm brainstorming because there are so many possibilities, but the original Sarah works too).
Anyways, a great name and very versatile nickname.
I believe that this was one of the first feminine names that I learned. To be honest with you, I've always loved the name Sally; it will always have a place in my heart.
I think it's a shame Sally has gone out of fashion. It's the perfect mix of fun, sweet, professional, and can suit any age.
EARTHWORM SALLLYYYYYY, SPREADIN’ DISEASES FROM FLORIDA TO CALIIII In all seriousness this is a very cute name I love it I don't get why people hate on it so much. Could see it on anyone but it is definitely feminine. Anyone meaning girls of any age.
This is a cute nickname for Sarah, and better when kept as such.
I wouldn’t say it’s not a nice name, but I much prefer Sarah, the name Sally comes from.
The name of my dog and she means the world to me. It meaning "princess" suits her personality a lot. I can also see it fit both younger and older women. It's pronounced a bit differently in Swedish, and I prefer the way it sounds.
Sally is a cute name. Sal can be a nickname.
Sally reminds me of a hyper toddler...
Super boring.
This is an attractive name. It’s fun, feminine and could suit a girl of any personality. One of my best friends is named Sally and we have the coolest nicknames for her: Sal, Salster, Salsa, Salad, Salmonella, Salada Crisp, Salami, Salamander etc.
Really nice female name; it can also be a diminutive of Salome.
Lovely name.
Sounds too soft. It is a nice name, but, I don't know. Somehow boring. But nice.
Classic and beautiful. Truly a love of mine. ❣️.
It’s cool and whatever.
Too hillbilly for me.
It's such a generic name but it's not like it's a bad name. Also, it's such a popular name yet I have never met anyone named Sally.
Sally is a wonderful name, I think it should used more.
Although it might sound funky, it means princess, funny, cheerful, and standing up to people. If you feel down, call Sally to cheer you up!
My secret: My real name is Sally, it's nice!
I can't think of someone ACTUALLY named this.
A lot cuter than Sarah honestly.
Sally is good enough as a legal name. I prefer Sary as a nickname for Sarah and Sarah as a nickname for Sarina sometimes. Sally’s such a sweet name, it’s not in the 1000 Top Girl Names at all :( they stopped popular usage in 2004 but got back to it for a while in 2006, so 2005 is unique ):
If I gave this name I would pronounce it Sa-LEE so it sounds kind of like 'Salene'. I like it as a nickname for something like Salome, Salina, Saline.
I think of a dimwit country girl from the 50s.
Oh... and to add to my other comment. This reminds me of the word “Salad”.
Sally sounds too country to me, and I prefer the spelling Sallie.
Like being country is a bad thing? I'm a proud southerner who is very country. I used to love this name a lot, it's very sweet.
Hmm... it's my name and I don't like it at all. Sounds like 'silly'. Feels kind of goofy, not elegant. And I lose count of the people who have sung the Gracie Fields song 'Sally' at me (cringe!) Sarah's pretty boring and overused but I'd prefer it. (But REALLY I want to be called Violet!)
Corny, immature name.
Sounds rather kiddish and nicknamey, like Larry.
It's hard to picture a mature sophisticated lady or a stern powerful suited businesswoman named 'Sally'.
I think that this would be a great name to use for your daughter. It makes me think of a cheerful and bubbly person. This name would age very well, as I could see it on a little kid or on an old woman. I like it more as a given name, rather than a pet form of Sara(h); Just something about it.
I love this name and named my youngest daughter Sally. She's fun, lively, smart and pretty. I'm not bothered about the name making a comeback personally, as I named her because I like the name not because I'm trying to impress people with my child having the most up to date and trendy name!
At first I didn't like this name, but then I met a person by this name and she's really kind and nice, so now I actually like the name. It's weird how people change names to you...
Really adorable, I like Sally a lot. I don't think it would age any worse than Lily or Sophie.
Sally sounds pretty obnoxious, but it's better than Sarah.
Most people would be sick to death of the way too common Sarah by now, but Sally, although only faintly alike, can make a nice change.
Sally is a beautiful, girly, pretty and lovely name. X.
I think women with the name Sarah are always a bit 'strict', but Sally softens it down a little.
The name Sally was given to 205 baby girls born in the US in 2012. I think this name is absolutely adorable =)
Cute name but I like it connected to Jade
As in Sally Jade then I would use Sally.
Sally and Sarah don't exactly sound alike, but Sally is not as common, so it can be more refreshing.
I think it's kind of cute.
A little old-fashioned, but I much rather be named "Sally" or "Sadie" compared to WAY over-popular "Sarah."
Sally is my mother's name, it's a nice name but it reminds me of an old song, titled "Sally Pride of our Alley", possibly referring to a cat?
I agree with the above comments that Sally sounds less mature than Sarah, even though both names are pretty. Same with Debbie vs Deborah.
I absolutely hate the name Sally, Sarah sounds so rich and awesome compared to ditzy "Sally" yuk!
As feminine as this name is, it makes me picture a strong bossy little girl. Like a feminIST, heheh. Not baaad, just strong and bossy. Considering its popularity it has a whole lot of character.
This name sounds very juvenile to me. Sounds like the name of a little girl in a cartoon.
Although this name originated from the name Sarah - I like Sarah and I don't like Sally. It sounds silly.
I never did like this name. Despite having a somewhat girly sound to it, the name sounds like the name of old and middle aged women, as I can't really imagine this old-fashioned name on women under the age of 40. It doesn't sound very mature, and Sally Kern has pretty much ruined the name completely with her words about homosexuals that can be compared to Hitler's ''solutions'' to the ''Jewish question'', so isn't that a good excuse to bury the name for good?
I think that this name is a lot like the name Jack.
1) They are both well known (who hasn't heard of a Sally or Jack?)
2) Both are historical
3) Both are nicknames, but not many know that they are
The name Sally makes me think of the song "Mustang Sally."
My aunt is named Sally and she is a very animated, social, and gossipy woman. I do mean that in the best possible way, I love her for it. I think it's a cute name and suits a girl who is inclined to be a social butterfly.
I am not particularly fond of this name, but I don't hate it either. My friends have nicknamed me this. (They decided my middle name sounded like Salamander and shortened it) For bellaboo above. I have light reddish hair.
A quiet achiever, strong willed yet kind. This is what Sally reminds me of. I know three, all of which have light reddish hair. Haha.
This is a very pretty, underused name.
I like this name because my name is Sarah and my friends are calling me Sally because supposedly Sally is short for Sarah. It is a very pretty name and I think represents a very fun-filled, bouncy, animated person.
It's a really cute name.
A very pretty name.

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