Cute. Only Sadie I can think of is the seeing-eye pup Karen Brewer raised in a Baby-Sitter's Little Sister book. =] That was the first place I ever heard it.
8/10It's a really sweet and elegant name that just rolls off the tongue easily. The only things I can't get over is it being a popular dog name, and it looking like sad-die. Otherwise, it reminds me of a sweet and charming girl. Much love to my Sadies out there!
I looooove how Sadie sounds. So sweet, simple and cute. I can’t unsee the word “sad” and “die” so I’d probably try an alternative spelling but even the spelling doesn’t make me dislike it. It’s still cute and has a charm to it.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2022, edited 11/16/2022
It only works for a dog in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2022
I think Sadie is a cute, sweet and charming name. Its simplicity is beautiful.
My real name is SADIE. I have hated my name since I was 3 years old; I am now 41. I was constantly teased in school because it is a dog's name. I never liked the sound of it, as I was also called, "Satan or Say-Die." Terrible name. Horrible, just embarrassing. I go by "Sadia." I will legally change my name soon. I would also change my name tags on my desks at school. Please don't name your children a dog name. Thank you!
― Anonymous User 12/19/2020
Please please please don’t do this to a poor little girl! I would absolutely hate being stuck with name!
It's an elegant, beautiful name. Sadie sounds smart. It also says kind. It can serve as a nickname for Sarah. Honestly, I think Sadie could be a very good name. I'll stop typing, because if I keep typing about how beautiful this name is this would be more like a chapter book than a comment.
It is very funny, my real life name is Sadie, but it is spelt Saydeigh! It is the rarest spelling of Sadie in the world, I have searched my spelling, and nothing ever shows up! I love my name, the kids in my class used to never know how to pronounce my name! Maybe you could add my name?
My name is Sadie and I love the fact it is so uncommon where I live! I have never met another Sadie however lots of people struggle with the pronunciation and spelling. A lot of people relate this name to things like sad-die and Sadie the cleaning lady but I honestly just love it and think it is a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2020
So cute! A nice variant of Sarah. What about Zadie?
Almost every Sadie I've met is beautiful, talented, kind, and envy-worthy. I really wish I liked this name because of the people I've met, but I don't! As wonderful as the people I've met with it are, I WANT to like it; my mind just doesn't listen. I love the meaning and the people I've met with it.
This is my sister's name, and I find it to be a very fun name. It reminds me of someone extroverted and bubbly and full of energy like my sister. I can see it on both a young girl and a teenager or woman. I like this name a lot!
― Anonymous User 6/27/2019
Can’t get past sad and die.
― Anonymous User 12/17/2018
The name “Sadie” immediately reminds me of Sadie Kane from Kane Chronicles. She is strong, independent, brave and has a. Good sense of humor. I think Sadie is a wonderful name, much prettier than Sarah, and it works equally well for pets AND humans.
― Anonymous User 11/19/2018
Sad and Die, don’t understand why people like it.
― Anonymous User 10/8/2018
Humble, sweet name. I view it as a 90's name, it's like a cute throwback and not too common nowadays. So I think it would be a great choice for a daughter.
I have had 2 puppies with this adorable name, I heard it first in FUNNY GIRL... Sadie. Sadie, married lady. Married to a dentist, yet (with a mouth full of braces...) If I hadn't already named my girl, this would have been first or second choice & Emily close behind.
I have a dog named Sadie. Sadie is where dog meets fur. She is a good puppy girl.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2016
Hey, my name is SADIE MARIAH S____! My opinion is that this is a great name to have! And the other reason besides it being pretty is because it's also one of the top 10 female dog names! I'm a dog lover!
― Anonymous User 9/8/2016
My name is Sadie, and personally, I think that people get an impression of the name by what it reminds us of. For some, it may be a dog or a dance, but if you met someone named Sadie that you liked, you would have a totally new opinion.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2016
Reminds me of Sadie the bra lady haha... This name isn't great because it is made up of the words sad and die. So all I see is sadness, death and bras. But that's just my opinion, no offense to anyone.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2016
First and foremost I'm reminded of the Beatles' song, "Sexy Sadie." It's a good song, but any Beatles fan like myself would be unable to resist singing it to the girl from time to time. Other than that, it's a cute, albeit plain name. It doesn't sound particularly beautiful or mature, but it's not a curse of a name unless Sadie comes across a hardcore Beatles fan, ha ha.
I know of a little girl whose name is Sadie. Beautiful! I didn't like it at first, but it's growing on me!
― Anonymous User 9/25/2015
I much prefer the variant Zadie over Sadie. With Zadie, you get the charm of Sadie without the unfortunate connotations of sadism, sadness, or Sadie Hawkins.
I think this is a charmingly cute and pretty name. :)
― Anonymous User 8/10/2014
Had no idea that was originally a diminutive of Sarah. I always liked the name Sadie, and for me it produces an impression of having a hint of shrewdness.
I'm not a big fan of this name. It reminds me of a fat, emotional cartoon character from Total Drama Island.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2014
I think its very pretty, it makes me think of the color grey, not that dark depressing grey, a light grey that also reminds me of morning. I also see Sadie as the perfect name for a very smart bookworm girl who is very nice and talkative. If I have a daughter I will name her Sadie, and NO I do NOT agree that it sounds old or whatever. I honestly don't see why people think that. This is my favorite girl name, I really really like this name.
I have a dear aunt whose name this was, but she spelled her name SADYE. (She later changed her name.) I love this name and the way my aunt spelled it. To me, Sadye looks more versatile and majestic written than Sadie. I also have a gorgeous, regal calico cat named Sadye but of course, it's after my aunt, not because of I think of it as a pet/animal name. I call my cat Sade a lot.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2013
I agree, it's quite a popular dog name. But, seeing as a lot of stereotypically 'dog names' like Bella, Max, and Bailey have gotten so popular, I have a feeling Sadie will be in the top 100 in a few years. I prefer it used as a nickname for Sarah.
I find this a truly awful name. I am not happy about it, because I usually try to find the best in every name. There is usually something positive one can say about a name. But I really, really don't like this one. It reminds me of the word sadist. It reminds me of the awkward tradition of Sadie Hawkins, the yucky old time dances where girls asked boys to dance (not that it's necessarily yucky for a girl to ask a boy to dance. But those dances were definitely default and awkward.) Why not Sari? Or Sallie? Or Sandie? Please forgive me. I am sure I could learn to like the name. (One usually can.) It's just that, out of character for me, I find this one really bad. My apologies.
― Anonymous User 3/29/2012
I think this is such a cute name! Very pretty when pronounced "Say-dee". I once met a Sadie whose name is pronounced "Shah-day," which I think Shade or Sade would be better spelled.
Sadie is my second favorite girl's name! I think it's cute, pretty, elegant, and whimsical. I think it will age just fine, but if you really like this name and are worried about it not aging well, you could always name her Sarah/Sara and call her Sadie as a nickname! (:
My daughters name is Sadie (Sarah). It took us six weeks to name her! She has 3 older siblings who helped with her naming... so... lots of nicknames. My favorite... Sadie. We think Sadie is a great name. No regrets! Have fun. :)
Because of "Sadie the Cleaning Lady" I can't think of this as anything other than the name of a middle-aged working-class woman.It also has the word "sad" in it, which just doesn't seem positive. No idea why people like this name, frankly.
I'm surprised that people find this quite modern. I went on a board where someone wanted to name their daughter Sadie, and everyone else said it was for an old Jewish lady! Then I burst out laughing.
I am the complete opposite of everyone who thinks Sadie isn't mature enough for older women. My aunt is called Sadie and I could never name a daughter Sadie for this reason. My aunt's lovely, but Sadie just sounds too old fashioned. It may be modern in America, but in Northern Ireland it's been around for over 60 years.
Much less common than Sally, which is the other nickname for Sarah.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2009
My name is SadeeAnn. I love my name! I am the only SadeeAnn I know =). Thanx mom! I live in a pretty big town & the only Sadies I know, one goes to my high school, & the other works at the ER. I know no Sadees either!
I find this name totally charming yet slightly quirky and not overused. Sade would be a nice nickname too. I don't know that I could name my daughter this and I've never met a Sadie but if I came accross someone with this name I would think it was quite cool.
It reminds me of a dog simply because my friend's grandparents old dog had this name. It isn't really a bad name at all, but I wouldn't name my child this.
My mother's name is Sadie, so it gives me a lovely feeling of home when I hear it. She's always said with pride that it means "princess" because it's a derivative of Sarah, and I like the fact that her name makes her feel special.
This is my name and I like it. The only thing that is bad about the name is that a lot of people call me Sadie Bob and getting called Bob is not a good thing to me. It makes me feel like a child because not many people would think of Sadie as an adult.
Sadie makes me think of a blowsy, middle-aged barmaid. Although I read in one book that it's gaining popularity with the British gentry, to me it seems hopelessly low-class. I think that people are getting so anxious to find something new in given names that they will turn to absolutely anything!
That is my name - SADIE ELIZABETH! I love my name! I have only met one or two other Sadies my age (23). Fair warning to parents - every Sadie I know is very smart, spunky, independent, very sexual, attention loving, stubborn, egotistical, and beautiful. Can you handle it?
I adore this name! To me, Sadie seems like she would be the perfect person: lively, smart, fun, pretty, talkative, and anyone would feel comfortable around her. I am naming my daughter Sadie Elisabeth if I have a girl.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
Sadie is a pretty name for a girl, not overly used. It is increasing in popularity right now.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2006
Although I like the name Sadie, I have known 3 cats and 3 dogs with this name, so it doesn't seem much like a human name to me anymore!
― Anonymous User 5/10/2006
I think Sadie is a beautiful name, it reminds me of the color grey.
I used to call my sister Sadie Grace because she acts like a princess and she's clumsy sometimes. I used Sadie because it's a pet form of Sarah. Sarah means princess. And I used Grace as in graceful. But her real name is Hali.
― Anonymous User 10/3/2005
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