I am Ukrainian and I am Ruslan. So, this name is not Turkish, nor Russian. It is a traditionally Ukrainian and, obviously, Slavic name. It means a specific color of hair, which was very common in people from Kievan Rus. They were Rusichans or Ruthens. And no, this have nothing with Russians. Russians were formed much, much later, they now call themselves Slavic only because they conquered Kievan Rus, which was in bad condition after many events. Before Petr I (18th century) Russia wasn't even called Russia. It was Moscowian Empire. And by the way, conquered Ukrainians was a perfect source for Russian Empire, because they were everywhere: in government, culture and they were serving for interests of Russia. The name was forbidden after Russian Empire destroyed all she could destroy about Ukrainian, Ruthenian culture.
Ruslan is a male name of Turkic origin. The meaning of it as "lion".The name originates form the heroic Iranian epos about Rustam, son of Zalazar (poem of highly revered Persian poet Ferdowsi, (935–1020), "Shahnameh"). Later the character of this bogatyr was borrowed by Turkic peoples where Rustam Zalazar became Arslan Zalsar ("arslan" means "lion"), and then, in 17 century it ended up in Russian folklore as the already Russian bogatyr Eruslan Zalazarovich or Lazarevich. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD
The name is not Russian. It is an old Persian name. Some archives date it from 5th century before JC. Many peopl think the name is Russian because of the famous Pushkin's poem "Rouslan and Lyudmila". Lot of people forgot that Pushkin is not a Russian - he has a Mauritanian origin and this explains why he used this Persian name. The name Rouslan means "lion". This name is used mainly in Iraq, Iran, Tchechnya, Kazahztan - not in Russia!
Just a note on the origin/meaning. It's true that this name was used by Pushkin, but it wasn't invented by him. It comes from the word "rusiy", which refers to hair color. "Ruslan" means "fair-headed" or "blonde".
Ruslan is the Russian variant of ARSLAN, meaning "lion", of Iranian or Iranic origin. "Arslan" and "Aslan" are common among Turkic and Mongolian peoples, who brought the name to the cultures of the Caucasus, Middle-East, the Eastern Europe, Manchuria and South Asia.
Ruslan is most likely a name of Turkic origin meaning "lion". It's rather popular all over Russia and Caucasus. Among its cognates used mainly in Caucasus are Roslan, Arslan, Aslan.
So, this name is not Turkish, nor Russian. It is a traditionally Ukrainian and, obviously, Slavic name. It means a specific color of hair, which was very common in people from Kievan Rus. They were Rusichans or Ruthens. And no, this have nothing with Russians. Russians were formed much, much later, they now call themselves Slavic only because they conquered Kievan Rus, which was in bad condition after many events. Before Petr I (18th century) Russia wasn't even called Russia. It was Moscowian Empire. And by the way, conquered Ukrainians was a perfect source for Russian Empire, because they were everywhere: in government, culture and they were serving for interests of Russia.
The name was forbidden after Russian Empire destroyed all she could destroy about Ukrainian, Ruthenian culture.