Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Roy is a masculine and strong name. I like it that it means King.
I always associate it with Devin Roy Harper, alias Speedy from Teen Titans. I like this name. ;)
I prefer short simple names on boys, like Roy.
Roy and Joy would be incredible twin names!
Very underrated name. It’s simple but distinguished. I have always been a fan of short names, and I think this one needs to make a comeback.
My favorite male R name.
My name is Roy. It's not very common and has always singled me out, I have never liked being singled out because it attracts all the bullies and those who would challenge you for no other reason than that is what they do, it's passive aggression. Though the name singled me out during my school years or later on the job I don't think women found it attractive, they always preferred a Bruce or John or Mike, even Terry was neglected.
I go by Roy Lee adding my middle name to everything, it seems more modern as lots of people go by three or four names these days.
To top it off I think it has become archaic, modern names are much more inventive. One year at Mardi Gras in NOLA I went around telling everyone my name was Dash.
If you're looking/want a name that has a bit of class use Evan or Albert but not Randolph, he'll just get called Randy. Names that are distinguished are attractive, Roy is not one of them.
So uncommon but so pretty.
Not only is this name dull and minimalist but it also makes me think of that right-wing pedophile Roy Moore. Yuck.
I love this name. I think of a strong, brave, handsome man when I hear it. Roy mustang from FMA also comes to mind. I think this would make a good name for a dog too.
Very attractive name!
It's a redneck name, and has the unfortunate association with those awful Fire Emblem games.
More people should be called Roy. All the Roys I know of are old men and I think it deserves a revival.
To me, this is one of the most boring names there is for a boy because of how short it is.
I don't like this as an independent name, there aren't many good nicknames for it.
I think Roy is a very strong, masculine name. A great name to give to a baby boy.
When I think of Roy, I think of a rather cute looking sword guy with reddish-brown hair and cool attack moves, or an adorable stuffed toy that was my art teacher's, that has it's own website. Either way, those things gave me good impressions. :)
I hate the name Roy. It's far too common and the sound just makes me think of a freaky loner who lives in his basement. If you're named Roy I don't mean anything by it that's just the image it brings to mind.
I like Roy as a nickname for Robert, it sounds more unique than Bob or Robby.

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