The name Rose, with its short and womanly appeal, has been increasingly used as a first name, alongside its more familiar versions, Rosie and Rosa. Its strong linguistic root in the Latin word 'rosa' establishes its distinct cultural and historical significance, embodying love and beauty. The symbol of the Rose evokes human emotions and captures the fragility of human existence. In our modern era, where life moves rapidly, and society disconnects, the name Rose serves as a poignant reminder of nature's constancy and human resilience. It rekindles our desire to reconnect with our surroundings and attain a more profound understanding of our beingness. Nevertheless, the name Rose's soaring popularity may diminish some of its mystical allure, with its exclusivity dwindling over time.Expectantly, mothers-to-be that are fond of the name Rose but are put off by its burgeoning popularity will gravitate towards alternatives that are distinct, while still bearing resemblances to it. This drive for uniqueness and unconventionality reflects our shared human desire to differentiate ourselves from others. However, in these efforts to detach ourselves from the masses, we yet remain bound to the common pattern underlying our humankind. It is likely, therefore, that we shall witness a general upsurge in the use of alternatives such as Rosa, given their similarity to the popular classic, Rose.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2023, edited 4/20/2023
This name doesn't come from the Germanic elements. It comes from the Latin word "rosa" meaning "rose" (the flower). At least many other sites, including NameBerry and others state that. It also seems like a more logical explanation for the origin of this name.
Numerous etymological works point out the German use of Rose as a form of Mary. In fact, that is often given as the origin. Also, the Catholic Church seems to accept it as a thusly valid "Christian name" for this reason.
Comment on this comment: The lady that does my hair/eyebrows/owns the tanning and hair salon in town, she's from Germany, and her name is Rose. So. yah.