I think "ROZ-alind" is probably the right Shakespearean way to pronounce it. It might also be close to the original Germanic pronunciation? I’m in England, but also my East Coast US family say it similarly/the same, maybe even "RAH-suh-lind." That’s definitely how I've heard it pronounced by English speakers. I like "rose-uh-lind," but I prefer "ROZ-alind"/"RAH-suh-lind." There are already lots of "rose" names to choose from.
My name is Rosalind and I was born in 87' I'm of Mexican decent and I'm always having to correct people as to how to pronounce my name. My mother pronounces it how its spelt ROSA-lind or Rose-ah-lynd. I think if you want it pronounced Rahz-a-lynd than a "z-"instead of an "s" is the more smarter and simplest choice. Rozalind... Don't you think? And although I have to correct, sometimes I love it because I've rarely met another Rosalind... makes me feel more unique!