People always give the bad meaning of this name, and it's not okay. "Rin" also has lovely meanings.If you write it " 鈴 " it means "bell". And if you write it like I write my name: " 琳 " it means "Jewel".See? It doesn't have to be such a depressing name!
Rin doesn't simply mean "cold, severe". Rinretsu 凛冽 for example means "cold" (and really freezing, ice cold), but Rin 凛 or ririshii 凛々しい can also mean "dignified, gallant, courageous, handsome etc". [noted -ed]The pronunciation is very close to "Lynn".
I didn't know it could mean "cold". I was more thinking of "bell". The kanji for "wood" can also be pronounced Rin, but I don't know if it is used for names.