Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Placing that concept aside I think Ricardo has that formal elegance which has the additional bonus of carrying, in my opinion, fine nicknames such as "Rick" or "Ricky". In short, one can never truly go wrong with a splendid name like Ricardo.
Ricardo sounds like a famous soccer player like Christiano Ronaldo.
Strong, classic name that will suit a male at any stage in life.
Marvelous. Handsome, strong, rugged name. I love the nickname "Ricky" for a boy-- and even on grown men, if they choose to keep it.
Ricardo just seems like a straight up cool name. I like the sound of it. It has a nice niche of being so incredibly dashing that it's great for a character.
Ricardo is a bad name because it's uncool, non-simple, and pretentious :)
My name is Ricardo and I love it. It is easy to understand over the phone, and common in many countries. I have never had a problem due to my name. Thanks!
I like this name, I wouldn't use it though because it seems only appropriate for Hispanic children.
An ugly, outdated name. Ricardo Montalban is a bearer.

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