Oh, how spectacular! I recall seeing Regula somewhere (perhaps here) a few years ago, but it must have been out of the corner of my eye because I did not investigate it further. I am delighted that I've stumbled upon it once more-- actually in thanks to the poster above me, Regula, as I clicked her username on a different comment section and followed the name itself here. Regula is utterly fantastic; it is dignified, intelligent, enigmatic, draped in lace yet still very secure, durable, and tenacious. It has a sort of "out of reach" and shadowy, clever story-quality to it -- but it is a name that actually can be put to use, unlike many literary-sounding names.
A beautiful name (yes, I love my name) – but if you want to give it to your child, be aware that a lot of people – especially in English – have trouble pronouncing it (or even remembering it).