Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I named my son Raphael. I like that it’s a name that’s easy to travel with because it’s so well known globally. It’s classic and familiar but not outdated or old fashioned at all. I also like that it’s masculine but softer sounding and that it doesn’t get misheard. He’s still young but I hope when he grows up he likes the name we gave him.
Rafael and this name are both great. I personally prefer the Rafael spelling but this spelling is great too.
Angelic, a soft boy name yet so strong. The meaning “heals” is beautiful, a perfect name for a baby after loss or a hard time. The nickname Raffi is cute for a little boy too. I love this name, and also Gabriel.
No one hates this name. Really perfect.
It's such a cool, nice, and handsome name. I like it.
The name of one of the three holy archangels. An underrated, majestic name, and I don't mind if it's spelled Rafael or Raphael. It works either way.
Cool name!
Not disagreeing, but I find it comical to describe the name of an archangel, and many saints, as sexy, handsome, and attractive.
Sexy, handsome, masculine name. Love it.
It's handsome, underused, and underrated! It ages so well, and is perfectly MASCULINE! I also love Rafael!
So handsome!
Who doesn’t like this name? It’s handsome and not overrated at all, in fact it is underrated and underused.
Strongly dislike! So over-rated in these comments and looks weird. I mean... it isn’t that bad but it’s just weird.
Very classy and handsome!
My name is Raphael and when I was a child I didn't liked this name, for some reason the PH in it, just didn't please me. My parents have told me that they wanted to put Rafael, but it was too boring. My Grandma suggested the name with PH and they liked it. In school people made a mock of me pronouncing RAPAEL. I took inspiration on Raffaello Sanzio a Renaissancist painter/architect, he has some nice paintings, and the Renaissance- what a great time for humankind. Well the other inspiration is Latin because my language came from Latin vulgar, when I had this curiosity to learn and see if was similar or not, I started to like it. Very nice name. I'm a privileged person.
Stick to Raphael and not Rafferty.
This is such a great name. I don't know why it's so underused.
This is a really cool name. Something about the way it is spelled makes it sound so fresh and unique! I prefer this to Rafael.
It's a good name. I do like the name so, so much and it's my name and my friends are calling me Raphaeldo. It's the best name that I know about.
I've always liked Raphael (pronounced rah feye el) because I've always associated it with strength (probably a result of the archangel with the same name (I'm not Christian though) but still retains a softer sound than other names that are 'strong' sounding.
I like that it was the name of an artist and archangel, even though I'm not religious. It seems really refined and cultured. My grandfather was Rafael, from Poland. The name also worked well for him when he moved to Cuba, as it's popular in Latin America. He was never called by a nickname, but I actually like Rafi or Raffey.
Raphael is a handsome, sexy, classy masculine beauty of a name. The nickname Raph is cute. Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an awesome namesake. I love how this is a name of an angel. Other angel names that I would totally recommend are Azrael, Michael & Gabriel. (:
The Pre-Raphaelite paintings are some of my favorites.
All I think of when I hear this is San Raphael. I've heard it pronounced RAH-fie-el and ruh-FEL, the first one by people (mostly young adults/teenagers/kids) who want to pronounce it correctly, and the second by people (always adults) who are too lazy to say three syllables.
Whenever someone mentions this name, I think of a very strong and attractive man who is creative and perspective terrific name!
I love this spelling better than "Rafael." This name is soft, but it's cool. I'd name someone this.
I love Raphael. Although I hate the nickname that every Raphael I've met has used: Rafi. Sigh.
This is my father's name, pronounced "rah-fa-el" with the nickname Rafis. I think it's very handsome and I would like to name my son this :)
I am planning on naming my son this. It is very handsome, in my opinion. I pronounce it "rah-fie-EL" -- middle syllable rhymes with "lie" or "dye".
This is a very beautiful name.
This name is too similar to Rachel.
I'm guessing that is thrown as an insult or saying it is a feminine looking name. If you ask me I think the name Rachel is a very masculine looking name especially since it ends in el.
I think it's a pretty cool name for a boy!
This is my all time favorite name for a boy. It has such a nice sound to it and I like that it is associated with an archangel.

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