Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Lol, my Kindergarten teacher had this name. Pretty iconic teacher tbh.I personally think this is better than Queen because of the "ie" at the end so it's not just "Queen" so... y'know.
Yikes, way worse than Queen.
Even worse than Queen.
Nobody wants to be called something like Queenie, or Princess. A woman would be very mad if you called her this. More of an insult than a name.
Funny in a way I like!
Ick. I dislike it more than Queen. How silly!
I like it---the nickname of one of my best friends in high school. Her name was similar to Michaela. We originally called her that because she played an evil queen in a school play and it stuck because she was boss.
Maybe it's weird, but this name has grown on me a lot, probably due to the Fantastic Beasts movies. I don't think I would name a child this -- there are other names that are much higher on my list, but I'd definitely consider it for a character. When I hear it, thanks to FB, I instantly think of a bold, intelligent woman from the 20s.
This name sounds like an iPhone's name.
This name was given to me by my PE teacher, and it stuck. I use it regularly as I can't stand my given name, and my middle name is too risky to use in my current environment.
Such a cute name! I’ll use it one day!Wait, no, not for my child! For my dog! I’m not a child abuser!
It’s even worse than Queen.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous names I've ever seen.
Queenie is a pretty chavvy name I'm gonna be honest, but my great grandma was called Queenie and she was a woman way ahead of her time and an inspiration to me, so this name will hold a place in my heart.
I'd rather we all avoid using that name by any means, and just stick to something else. Isn't that name absolutely offensive towards other people, especially those with royal titles?
Queenie I think would be less tacky than "Princess" or "Queen", other titled modern names. Queenie just sounds like an actual name. It also sounds a bit like Jeanny.
Ew. Just ew.
A perfect babyish variant for Queen. Queenie will definitely work for a little girl who doesn’t ever want to be a princess, because that’s not enough, she would rather be a Queen all lifetime around. Queen sounds too strong for a baby girl, but Queenie is just perfect. But when Queenie reaches the drinking age, it may sound a little weird. Queen sounds a little better than Queenie, but both names aren’t bad.
Tacky, childish, awful, and made up name.
I loved "Fantastic Beasts", and that's where I first heard this name. I think it's beautiful, and could easily be for any age :)
I know this is a girl's name, but it sounds like something you'd call a drag queen.
My name is Queenie. Yup. It is. And I happen to think that it isn't tacky but is good for any person because I happen to believe that your personality revolves around your name.
Sounds like a slave name.
The name Queenie is so very very ugly and trashy.
Actually, I've changed my mind about the name Queenie. It's not ugly or trashy, it's cute and unique! It's better than "Queen" as a name! :) You never expect names that you originally dislike to grow on you! ^^
I like the sound of this name, but I would never seriously consider it. I like it mostly because it's the name of Elizabeth "Queenie" I from Blackadder.
Sounds more like a name for a dog, and besides, it comes from the pretentious "name" Queen.
Why the blatant hate for this name? I knew someone named Queenie once and she was anything but the things others above me have said.
This name makes me want to barf. It's so tacky.
I have a hard time imagining a little girl with this name.
So tacky!
My grandmother's Yorkshire Terrior, yes. An actual girl, not on the poor child's life.
I always thought this was a name a person called someone who was being a brat.
Most certainly NOT my favourite pet name! It sounds like it belongs to a dog to me.
I love this name. There's a certain superiority to it. It's the name of Queenie out of Blackadder.
I wonder why it seems superior? Hmm.I dislike it. It's tacky.

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