Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Yes, i know it's not English buuuuut... i really just don't like this name much. The poo kind of ruins it.
I love this name it is so cute.
I don't seem to notice that it sounds like faeces, it sounds like a normal name to me.
This name has nothing to do with faeces. People haven’t realised that this is not an English name, it clearly says it’s Indian.
I think everyone associates this with the 'Poo' part of it. Overall this is very unpleasant.
If you name your child this, nobody will take them seriously.
This might be fine in other languages and cultures, but definitely not in English-speaking areas.
Is it just me or is the "poo" just too noticeable?
I think it works in its own culture, but not ours.
Eew...nasty name.
All I can think of are crude nicknames :( Don't name your child this if you live in America.

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