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Meaning & History

This name is best known for being the name of the sister of Saint Memmius (3rd century AD). She was a virgin and monial in Châlons-sur-Marne, a city that is nowadays located in France and known under the name Châlons-en-Champagne. She was once venerated as a saint herself, but is no longer recognised as one by the Catholic Church. Her feastday used to be on June 27th.

Like her brother Memmius, Poma was a Roman citizen, meaning that she was born and raised in the Roman Empire. At some point (possibly around the same time as her brother), she was sent to Gaul (most of which is nowadays known as France), in order to convert the Gauls to Christianity. Little else is known about her life. Given her Roman descent, her name is most likely derived from Latin pomus or pomum, both of which are nouns that can mean "fruit" as well as "fruit tree". Also compare Pomona.
Added 11/1/2015 by Lucille