This name is used throughout Scandinavia, possibly as an alternative name derivation from the Norse word "píka", meaning girl (see modern Norwegian "pike"). In Northern (and some parts of Central) Norway, "Pia" is still used as a common term of endearment, much in the same way "lass" is in Scotland and Northern England. You can be "[X]'s Pia"/"my Pia", be "a cute little Pia" or just be referred to as "Pia" by any older relatives. It is however, also (less frequently) used as a regular name in this region too.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2023, edited 7/11/2023
My dad was a Latin major and he told me just because it sounds like the English word pious like its derivation it doesn't just mean that. The main meaning is "dutiful/devoted" and later on "pious".I'm Italian on my father's side and my dad was a bit of a Latin freak when he was in college so combine that with the Italian and I got named Pia! I was teased quite a bit at school and even now I get people who scrunch up their face and say "Wow that's an interesting name." I used to hate it, but now it's grown on me.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2008
I've found out that in the Pakistani language the meaning of the name Pia is 'Lover' and also that it's the name of an perennial herb of the East Indies to Polynesia and Australia, cultivated for its large edible root.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2005
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