The original Greek Φαίδρα (Phaidra) was likely pronounced PIE-drah, given that the Ph would've been a P sound instead of an F (see pronunciation notes on the name PHAENNA for clarification).In classical Latin, however, this can be pronounced two ways: during the Roman Republic and the earliest stages of the Roman Empire, the æsc / "ash" (Æ) made a long-I sound, so Phaedra would be pronounced FIE-drə. Once the Roman Empire really kicked off, Æ became the short-E sound, making this FEH-drə. (The short-E pronunciation is the one I heard in college when studying Ancient Greek theater.)In English, this can also be pronounced two ways: FEE-drə, or FAY-drə. The first pronunciation is likely strictly British English, given their treatment of the "ae" diphthong in such words as archaeology, leukaemia, etc. The latter pronunciation appears to be more common in American English (and possibly Canadian English as well).
I actually have this as my first name and it has been massacred in all kinds of ways. Depending on where you are from, the pronunciation varies. I go by the French spelling, but depending on whether one uses an accent grave or accent acute, the pronunciation changes. If I go by Phèdre, then it is pronounced "Fee-dra." If I used Phédre, then it is Fay-druh. I go by Fay-druh as that is how my parents pronounced it and how I have always used this name. Trust me, I've had a few French teachers try to tell me a few times how to say my name and no one can agree which accent I should use. If you use this name, I highly suggest Phaedra as it's so much easier to spell and isn't mangled nearly as much. :)
Yesterday there was a question about the mythical Phaedra on the BBC quiz show "Eggheads". I assume (this being the BBC, which prides itself on correct pronunciation of personal names and countries) that the question master got it right when he pronounced it FY-druh - I thought immediately of Hydra and this killed Phaedra as an option for me!
The Oxford English dictionary lists ˈfeɪdrə (FAY-druh) and ˈfiːdrə (FEE-druh) as acceptable English pronunciations of Phaedra. I imagine the Greek and Latin pronunciations to be somewhat different.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2012
The English pronunciation is FEE-drə (Random House Dictionary and Collins English Dictionary).
Most Greek names I know of which feature "ae" are pronounced with and "EE" sound - like Aesop - similarly Phaedra would be pronounced "FEE-druh"That said I do like the sound of "FAY-druh" better.
Considering the Greeks pronounced each vowel individually (Ione: Eye-oh-nee, Zeus: ZAY-os), is it possible this name is pronounced fa-EH-dra, or something close?
The correct pronunciation is with a short E - FED-ra.
― Anonymous User 4/22/2009
In Greek, the -αι is always pronounced like a soft E (ĕ). The only exception is that -αϊ is pronounced like a soft A (ă) followed by a hard I/E sound (ē).