I love the story of the martyr and what this name stands for in the context of my faith but I thought it was pronounced per peh tu uh not twuh but maybe it depends on your nationality. Anyone who believes in eternal life I would think would value this name.
This name is beautiful! It's very unique, and I like how it's the name of a saint as well. I would definitely name my daughter this. I also really like the nicknames that come with it. Perpet, Petua, and Tua are really cute. Wonderful name!
― Anonymous User 5/9/2023, edited 10/10/2024
Absolutely gorgeous. Perpetua is a beautiful name. It's so lovely, elegant and very unique. This meaning is so gorgeous. I like association of St. Perpetua and Felicity. I love it. ❤❤.
Perpetua Kirk is a character from Christianna Brand's mystery novel "Death of Jezebel". She is one of the six suspects in a murder taking place at a medieval-themed fair, the supposed motivation of which was a suicide she indirectly caused years before, and for which her life has now been threatened.
Perpetua Fancourt is a character in the Harry Potter series, who was mentioned in the video games. She was a witch who is credited with the invention of the lunascope, an astronomical device used to analyse the phases of the moon.
Wow. This name gets a lot of hate. No one forgot the L in Perpetual because this name isn't supposed to be Perpetual. This name is B E A U T I F U L! I absolutely love it!
I quite like this name. It’s too bad it’s not popular or normalized to some extent. I would love to name a child this, but it seems like I’ll have to settle for it being the middle name. Too bad it gets so much hate.
Also used in Portuguese. It's definitely more common for the older generations, but I've known a few Perpetuas (my dad has a cousin whose wife has this name). We spell it Perpétua. I actually like it, but it probably won't work unless you're really religious. [noted -ed]
This is a unique name probably for unique people. I like how it sounds so powerful. But because of the history of the martyr St Perpetua and her great sacrifice, naming a baby Perpetua is almost like naming a baby Jesus. But I am stunned. Very beautiful and respected name. I like how it is not an over-used name like Sarah and Jane and maybe... Penelope the duck.
This name is very bad. When someone gets a life sentance in Spanish it's called "cadena Perpetua". I would never name my child after a prison sentance.
This is a quote from the user Murasaki on the Name Facts board on the usage of the name Perpetua in Italy. "[Perpetua] has a history of usage in Italy, and has been used in Alessandro Manzoni's 19th c. classic novel "The Betrothed" where it's the name of the character of a priest's governess. As a result, "Perpetua" has become a common word to designate a priest's governess, and has consequently fallen out of use as a person's name."
I'll admit I don't care for the Spanish pronunciation of this name, but that's probably because I'm English. Pronounced "per-PET-shoo-a", like the English word "perpetual", I think this name is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love it, and the meaning is gorgeous too!
― Anonymous User 7/29/2010
I don't like this name. Who wants to have a name that sounds like "perpetual"?
This name sounds very religious to me, like someone's conformation name. I can't picture anyone actually being named "Perpetua", it quite obviously means perpetual.