I would probably pronounce this name "PA-truh-klus", though it is more widely pronounced "pa-TROK-lus".In regard to the mythical character's sexuality, it is difficult to apply a modern concept like homosexuality to any ancient, fictional personage. However, he is described as being Achilles' beloved companion and has been widely interpreted as his lover, something the Warner Bros. movie tried to "sanitize" by making the two cousins instead (rather cowardly of them).By the way, the Italian transliteration of the name is PATROCLO.
In regard to the mythical character's sexuality, it is difficult to apply a modern concept like homosexuality to any ancient, fictional personage. However, he is described as being Achilles' beloved companion and has been widely interpreted as his lover, something the Warner Bros. movie tried to "sanitize" by making the two cousins instead (rather cowardly of them).
By the way, the Italian transliteration of the name is PATROCLO.