Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Patrick is a great timeless name.
I really can't help but think this name is attractive. Every person I've met with this name was great.
It’s a very nice, decent name for a boy, and makes me think of St Patrick. I’ve never watched SpongeBob, so I don’t associate it with a cartoon character at all.
I love the name Patrick because of Patrick Star. And I think it's just a good name.
Your newborn son will turn into a SIGMA Gigachad the moment you name him Patrick. Patrick like Patrick Bateman, so coolBruce is a harsh name but because of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Bruce Lee I respect that name...Patrick sounds a bit nerdy but because of PATRICK "the sigma" BATEMAN I drink to that.
Patrick has a nice meaning to it that conjures, at least for me, the visual image of an esteemed gentleman who is both charitable and strong of character. Another aspect that I would like to mention is how uncommon this name has become over the decade. My older sister is a school teacher at our local day school here in LA and not once did she encounter a single boy named Patrick. In fact, at least from what she has told me, the most common boy names she has encountered were Sebastian, Jack, Dominic, Jacob or Jake and, surprising still, quite a few Caydens and Braydens with the odd Theodore into the mix.
If you are someone who goes by this distinguished name, feel proud of it and consider yourself fortunate that it is not overused like the other names that I had mentioned. :)
I LOVEEE this name and the association with Saint Patrick!
I think Patrick is a nice name. I never think of the SpongeBob character when I hear it.
It's a good name but since there are no Patricks in my homeland and Saint Patrick's Day isn't even known by most, I can't not associate it with Patrick Star.
Honestly, being a Patrick myself is pretty good- like I get called many nicknames!
Does anyone know of a female named Patrick? Or am I the only one? Seriously.
This name is definitely masculine and strong.
Please don’t name your child Patrick. Patrick Lee is a bad example of this name.
Never liked it, I bet every guy named Patrick hates their own name because of the SpongeBob character.
If only Spongebob didn't ruin it...
The famous and godly Patrick Star is the only person who should bear this name. Any mortal that bears this name is weeby and built like a 2nd grader. *ahem*. They are the most obnoxious people and I would do anything to see their impending doom.
Dull and unattractive name.
Ugly! And too common! Hate, despise this!
Wait, I really take back what I said. Patrick is actually pretty handsome and masculine, and there are a few good Patrick associations I have, so no, I do not hate this anymore.
It's handsome and one of those names that really doesn't need a nickname.
Not a fan to be honest - It doesn't jump out as a strong name to me.
We have twin boys - one is Patrick and the other is Marcus - we picked Patrick because it's a strong, classic and meaningful name, also being Celtic/Irish and Christian as well as internationally recognised.
Patrick is not a bad name because of Patrick Star!
I like it because it's universal and iconic, recognisable in many languages etc and also has a great meaning and backstory.
It's my name and I don't like its association with the stupid character from SpongeBob SquarePants.
A rather odd name. It is pretty nice, but at the same time it sounds like 2 nicknames (Pat & Rick obviously) smushed together. I'm a bit old to associate this name with the stupid starfish from Spongebob, but that connection certainly does nothing to help improve the image of the name Patrick.
It's a strong name and I would only use it in its full form, Paddy or Pat would be a good dog's name, although in my part of Ireland, many Patricks go by 'Patsy' which sounds like a female name.
Lol I can’t help but think of Patrick Star.
As a 14 year old born in 2005 with the name Patrick I will be honest, for some reason all of you have been spot on with what characteristics people with this name have. These personality traits are somehow spot on and it’s kinda scary. My username online is “PattyMcFatty” (even though I’m kinda skinny) and Patrick Star jokes are common. Patricia, Patty, and other nicknames are common but I like Patty the most because it’s kinda adorable in my opinion.
I have bad connotations with the name Patrick because it was my dad's name, and my dad did some bad things. It is a nice name though. I think it means that anybody with this given name is lucky or intelligent.
If a child grows up with this name in today's generation they will most likely get teased and get a lot of Patrick Star jokes. That's something to consider.
Too overused. There's also Patrick Star to consider.
I've never noticed how amazing this name (Patrick) was until I stumbled on the meaning and history of its origins, I came to like it more than before. I will pass it on to my firstborn.
Patricks are amazing and great oh GOD I love that name so much I wish my name was Patrick and omg my friend Patrick is SO nice like how can someone be this nice and Patrick the sea star is AMAZING I love that creature so much so stop being so mean.
Well I've had this name my whole life and I hate it. It's not a masculine name compared to other boy names. You get called names like Patricia and Patty. Almost every boy name has a girl equivalent. However, for some reason it's much harder to refer to Steven as Stephanie, or Thomas as Thomasina or whatever. But it's pretty easy to refer to Patrick as Patricia or Patty to insult someone, and it just fits better. People say it to me almost instinctively, even if they are joking around. The ring of the name causes it somehow. Another thing I hate about this name is its association with Christianity. I'm a pagan and I hate Christianity and I hate St. Patrick. He drove the snakes out of Ireland according to legend. Ironically, I happen to love snakes! I've been fascinated with them and have been catching them since I was little. Everyone in school knew I was the Snake Man. I wish that were my name instead of Patrick. Furthermore I am not Irish or Roman Catholic. And when I was born my parents had already switched from Catholic to Baptist. So from every angle, Patrick really could not be a more unfitting name for me. I don't know how I ended up with this name but I bet it was my Mom's idea. Women should not name boys because they give them girly names. The association with the idiot starfish on SpongeBob is now just the icing on the cake for me. If you're considering naming your boy Patrick, please for his sake consider something else. Max or something similar is much better than Patrick. Patrick just sounds annoying too.
I'm not sure I like this name. It does remind me of Patrick Star from Spongebob. However, in my later years, I knew someone named Patrick who could be nice yet annoying at the same time. However, I do like the meaning of it.
I love the name Patrick, I am gonna change my name to it when I'm 18.
My name is Patrick.
When I have fights or disagreements people tend to use my name against me. Apparently the name Patrick is not as great as you all think it is because I have grown to hate it.
In casual or confrontational situations people don't usually say your name, but I've had people use my name as a way to make me appear lesser than others and it is just because of my name. Names like Sean, Matt, Chris or Kyle, while very average, seem much tougher in comparison. The name Patrick seems like the title for someone much less tough. There's been a clip online that was on TV about a guy named Patrick and he was referred to as a guy who reads and writes poetry and is very emotional. Hence his title, "Emotional Patrick". There's also Patrick from Spongebob, who is a complete idiot. And Patricia, female version used when people are blatantly being disrespectful and trying to insult or embarrass you. The name is associated with "being pathetic" etc. It can be difficult living with this title at times.
Patrick can seem like a great name to have when you've been recognized for an accomplishment, but at other times it can feel like a burden, such as working as a green hand in a hyper masculine atmosphere such as construction. As stated above, people will often form opinions based on your name/nickname and you will be treated accordingly. It's not easy to rise to greatness when people don't think you're worth much. I am constantly doubted and it's rare somebody feels I am worthy of being put in a position of power or given a great opportunity despite my natural leadership ability and compassionate nature making me a suitable candidate for leadership roles. My experience as Patrick has sort of sucked.
My name is Patrick. It's a good name. Though I was called Pat when I was young, I've always signed my name Patrick, and in more recent years introduced myself as Patrick. I prefer the full name.My father's middle name is Patrick and his first name is Bruce. My middle name is Bruce. I always thought it was a clever way to be nearly a junior without being called Junior. I never cared for that name or suffix.
My middle name! (I'm Dylan Patrick) I like it a lot.
This name is another personal favorite of mine; it's definitely in my top 5 favorite names. It's very strong, isn't too overused, has some good history behind it, ages well and it sounds very classy to me as well. I'm not particularly fond of the nicknames though; I'd go by Patrick if it was my name.
I think this is a nice name, but everyone seems to associate it with Patrick, a starfish off of Spongebob Squarepants, who is unintelligent.
I have logged many years with the name Patrick, and I must say, it isn't half bad. Not only does it go well with Irish surnames, there are a variety of nicknames that seem to fit any age. My grandfather is Pat, while I am Paddy or simply Patrick. There are many great bearers of the name, notably Patrick Pearse, an Irish rebel leader of the Easter rising. A well known name without being too common, Patrick is one of the most versatile names in existence.
Utterly common. I can't stand names that you hear EVERYWHERE.
Never cared for this name. It's the #1 stereotypical Irish name that never gets old to mock and plus, it's one letter off from it being "PatDick"
Also, I HATE Patty\Paddy\Pat. (Rick is better despite rhyming with dick).
I love the name Patrick! Strong, classic, and masculine. More common as a middle name but I love it for a first name. I am planning to name my son this if I have one.
This will always be a great boy's name for me. I won't let the associations of that starfish from Spongebob ruin it for me.
This name is awesome and deserves to be used a whole lot more! =)
I am unsure if I'd ever use this name or not, but I do like it because it reminds me of Patrick Star, one of my favorite cartoon characters. It is just about one of the few Irish boys' names I like, and it ages well, so this should make a fantastic name.
I've known two people named Patrick, they were both little boys. One was a bit of a brat, but the other one was so adorable. I like this name a lot, and for some reason I like the nickname patty for a boy but not for a girl. Overall, Patrick is an awesome name that deserves a comeback!
This is my uncle's name AND my step cousin's name, and has been used for boys in my family for generations. I have mixed feelings on it because it sounds sort of cool, but wouldn't pass it on to a son because I'm not into any of the nicknames.
My youngest son, now nine years old, is named Patrick. We usually call him Paddy (the family is Irish on my husband's side) but his brother nicknamed him "Patch" as a baby and calls him that to this day.
Our Patrick was born in 2001, and when people would ask his brother (age four at the time)what his little brother's name was, he would solemnly say: "It's Patrick, but he is NOT a starfish. He is a baby."
The name Patrick runs very deep in my family. My name is Patrick and honestly I've learned to love it but out of every thing I've ever been called... Pakky is my favorite nickname. Oh and referring to Patrick star from Spongebob Squarepants is a disgrace to the name Patrick.
In my opinion this is a girl's name.
Patrick is such an awesome and masculine name. The nickname Patchy is so cute.
Patrick can also be used as a longer version of Patty. I think both these names aren't as good as the majority of the names on this website though.
This name reminds me of a unintelligent starfish. Don't deny it. Find a better name.
Really love it. Not many names end with a 'ck'. I guess because of St. Patrick, it brings up a strong, determined, but gentle man. A still-waters-run-deep kinda guy. No nicknames, only Patrick will do. I think the younger generation is through with the 'Pat' nickname, anyway, thank goodness.
I will keep checking that this name continues to be less percent used in the United States, This used to be my name, and I changed it. This may sound strange but the strangeness works for me rather than the madness I used to be.
I like this name, it has a lot of history and sounds nice.
This name is so strong. I like it spelled "Patric" too.
I like this name a lot. It's one of those masculine names that are classic like William and Michael. I even like the nickname Paddy for a little boy.
I love this name, it's my fathers, and it's also carried by Saint Patrick!
My dad's name, I love it and it sounds masculine, nice, and strong.
It makes me think of people like Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan. It's not the best-sounding male name anyway, but kind of like Henry and Frederick, this is a name that has turned out to be common on insufferable conservatives.
St. Patrick, in my opinion, is the best namesake there is for a boy. Plus it isn't so bad sounding either. It's decreasing in popularity, but isn't at the point of being strange. Only problem: most of the nicknames are terrible, IMO. I like many very unpopular names, but I would consider this classic gem if I ever had a boy!
Good strong masculine name, despite the androgynous diminutive. I've never known an effeminate Patrick. And St. Patrick was one of the most amazing men who ever lived.
It's a great name but I really wish there was a tasteful nickname for it.
I had a friend, when I was a kid, named Patrick, and his mom and just about everyone else called him Patch. I thought it was the coolest nickname ever.
Patrick is perfect in every way!
I am in love with this name. Not only is it the name of one of the main characters in the book I am writing, it is also the name of the awesome Patrick Stump, lead singer of Fall Out Boy.
Patrick is one of my favorite boys' names. I can see it on a baby, a toddler, a child and eventually an adult. It's a strong name. I hate the nicknames though, if my son's name was Patrick we'd just call him Patrick, not Ricky or Pat or anything.
I used this name as a middle name for my son Dylan. I hadn't considered that name before but since he was born on St. Patrick's day we used it. I am sure glad we did. It is a great name.
There is nothing wrong with the nickname Pat or other ones such as Paddy, Patty, Ricky, Rick, etc, etc. Patrick is a great name.
My good friend's name is Patrick. It's a very nice name even though so many people have it, but I like it a lot. It's a colorful name.
I know some wonderful Patricks, they're always just as charming as can be, but whatever you do prospective parents, DO NOT CALL HIM PAT as a nickname. All Pats I've met have been picked on. Call him Paci (= Pack-y).
I don't think that nickname would be nice for Indians to hear.
This is the ultimate man's name, it's so strong and masculine. I believe in picking names your children can grow into and be proud of and this name is definitely that.

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