In what Bible translations is Orpha used for Orpah? I cannot find any such use in online concordances I have consulted. The only instance of "Orpha" being used for Orpah I can find is in "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ", the book based on the controversial visions of the German Roman Catholic nun Anna Katherine Emmerich (1774-1824). Though Emmerich was beatified in 2004, her visions are very controversial. Many also think her visions were altered by Clemens Brentano, the poet who actually wrote the book based on them after interviewing her.I think Orpha is probably an alteration, either by mistake or deliberately, of Orpah by blending it with the other Old Testament name Ophrah, and perhaps also influenced by Orpheus. But I am skeptical as to that spelling really turning up in the Book of Ruth in any Bible translation. [noted -ed]
I think Orpha is probably an alteration, either by mistake or deliberately, of Orpah by blending it with the other Old Testament name Ophrah, and perhaps also influenced by Orpheus. But I am skeptical as to that spelling really turning up in the Book of Ruth in any Bible translation. [noted -ed]