Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My best friend was called Oisín. He and everyone we knew pronounced it Osh-een. We called him Osh or Oshbosh though I have heard of it being pronounced similar to the name "Roisin"; as Oasheen (Say Ocean with a long "e" sound).
Oisín is pronounced USH-een in Irish, not OSH-een! OSH-een would have to be spelt Óisín, which isn't a name.
Osh-een is the way it is pronounced in my part of the world, around the Derry/Donegal area. It is not incorrect. As I'm sure you know, accents can differ hugely all over Ireland and people in certain areas will pronounce things the same in English as they traditionally would have over the centuries in Irish. Just like with the different Kee-va/Kwee-va pronunciations of Caoimhe :) Neither way is technically right or wrong. says it is pronounced "osh + een"He was the son of the legendary warrior Fionn Mac Cool and the goddess Sive. He is best remembered for his love for "Niamh of the Golden Hair" with whom he spent 300 years in Tir-na-nOg, ("Land of Eternal Youth".
It's pronounced o-SHEEN.

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