It's cool enough I suppose but I just don't find it very practical, in some scenarios it can sound really weird and inappropriate. Like imagine a teacher being like you're hiring an employee and he's like "hi I'm Oberon Banchev" doesn't sit with me man. The name makes me imagine some tall imposing no nonsense dude, and imagine that on a 16 year old that loves Minecraft, just doesn't feel right.
We just named our son Oberon Tyler. We were looking for something that was different but not crazy, had some myth or history behind it, and sounded okay with Tyler.My dad was the only one who didn't like the name because he picked the reference straight away and thought it was weird to name a boy for the king of the fairies. Thing is, we're role-play nerds and we've played enough games involving Fae to know you don't mess with them.We nicknamed him Obe (pronounced Oh-bee) so people make lots of Obi-Wan jokes now, but that's okay.
― Anonymous User 11/30/2020
I adore this name. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays and the name Oberon always stuck with me. It always sounded so powerful and majestic. I think Oberon and Ambrose would make an interesting sibset.
I think it's a really nice, masculine name. I can't imagine anyone I've met having this name. Not sure if I'd name my son this though but I might plan to and I love it for anyone or a character. It sounds so attractive and I have grown so fond of it ever since I read and watched "A Midsummer Night's Dream." ;)
― Anonymous User 6/4/2006
Yeah, your son in his teenage years will be really happy to hear he's the queen of fairies. Nice sounding though.