Comments (Usage Only)

My name is Nyree. It's a family name. We are Australian Aboriginal heritage. I am named after my Aunty Nyree. I dispute the statement here that it was spelled this way because of the actress. My Aunty was born in 1905 on a mission in western NSW. Therefore this spelling was not created by the actress. Also, I was told by my grandfather and mum that for us it means "light of dawn".
I think the anonymous user(s?) and erb816 are both/all being extremely childish. "Bastardizations" of names (and words) have been occurring throughout recorded history and before. That's why we speak different languages. Would anyone suggest that we abandon a "bastardization" like "John" and go back to the Hebrew "Yochanan"? Not that there's anything wrong with using that name. New versions of names do not destroy the old. They add to them. Anyone who wants to use the older versions is perfectly free to do so.

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