Nothing objectively wrong with this name, and it’s respectable. I just don’t get the appeal or why it is popular. I think Cora, Dora, Flora and even Laura (if you want to be old school) sound much more attractive. Something about Nora I think reminds me of “snore” and hence the name puts me to sleep. As for what person it reminds me of, I think of a vaguely Irish teenage nanny in a New York tenement in the early 1900’s who is sickly and always carries lots of handkerchiefs and wears extra shawls. Now, not be to harsh, such a young lady might be a wonderful person, lol.
I really don't understand all of this hate on this name. As someone who is often called Nora, I really don't see any problem. It's short, simple to pronounce, easy to spell and it has an elegant and graceful feel.
I don't understand all the hate for this name. I mean, my younger sister (who is 4) has this name, and I think it suits her very well. She hasn't received anything but compliments on her name.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2021
Although I can't say it's one of my favorite names, I must admit Nora has an undeniably beautiful classy and elegant charm about it that's nearly impossible to ignore. It's short, sweet and simple, yet still a strong, beautiful name. It's also easily suitable for many different types of people, in my opinion. Overall, I think Nora is a good name.
Omg, my name's Nora and I might consider changing my name after seeing all these commentsa it's either a prostitute in Swedish, an abandoned dog in Japanese or a grandma's name in English.
My name is Nora, and I like it a lot, but despite it being an easy to say name, people are constantly calling me "Laura" or "Dora" or some other "ora" name. Despite this, I still like it, and wouldn't change it.
If you're Swedish and considering naming your kid Nora, please reconsider. My name is Nora and I was teased endlessly over my name since it rhymes with "whore" in Swedish. I was called Hora-Nora all the time when I was younger and that's partly why I dislike my name (I'm 18 now). I'm considering changing my name, since I have disdain for it from being teased. When people meet me for the first time and hear my name, they always refer to SKAM, which is annoying. Also the English pronunciation is not cute. I don't like my name at all, I cringe whenever someone says it. Which is unfortunate.
― Anonymous User 1/26/2019
I love the name Nora because I was given that name and it fits me and I'm ugly so ya.
A very bland and dowdy name. It would seem quite odd for a pretty girl to have this unappealing name. There are thousands of better possible names out there.
I love the name Nora. I named my daughter Nora 14 years ago. It is beautiful, classy, strong and feminine. Also my great grandmothers name. Lovely name to grow up with!
One of the few nicknames that works well as a first name; it sounds pretty, it matures nicely, and it has that lovely "-ora" ending that I like so much. Not a favorite, and I find it's becoming too common, but it's still a lovely name.
Unfortunately Nora rhymes with prostitute in Swedish. It's still popular here though, and I think it sounds beautiful in English.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2015
As I got older I love my name. I was named for my Grandmother, Nora Virginia. I didn't understand why every one used to want to call me Norma when I was younger... I can't stand to be called Norma. I am part English on both sides and part Irish on my father's side and Scottish for the Grandmother I was named for on the other side. I have always heard it meaning Light or of the Light. I love some of the new meanings I heard. I am proud to be a Nora. It grew on me and fits me now. The fact I was named after my favorite Grandmother thrilled her and I both. I worked at a place where when I am around my friends from there they still call me by the nickname Noreen.
This name sounds so soft and pretty. It ages well, and it's a timeless classic. The meaning "Honor" is lovely. It's easy to pronounce, to say, and to spell. Most importantly, it sounds very professional and would sound great on a working adult woman. Overall I think this name would be a great choice.
― Anonymous User 3/17/2015
For the longest time, I hated this name. But a few days ago, I started liking it, and Nora is now one of my favorite names right now!
I used to hate this name, but I've now grown to LOVE it! :D.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2014
I'm a "Nora".. My actual name was meant to be Norelia but the hospital messed up and they gave me the name of Nora Elia (Elia is after my grandmother and Mother's middle name). I hated it for a long time but now that I'm older I find it to be unique and the name Nora is a very strong name with a lot of meaning.
Nora is my mother's name. My mom is very artistic, paints and writes poetry. I tend to view the name as artistic and passionate, not dowdy. I like that it has an old feel, much better than the cheap and tawdry feel of the Keely, Caylee, Riely mess.
I prefer Nora with an H. It just doesn't seem complete without it. I loved this name originally, but then Norah Silverburg from Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist had me positively smitten with the smart, pessimistic, low-self-esteemed beauty Kat Dennings, who played the incredibly relateable Norah. This name imparts a hint of pessimism, a hint of romance, and a softly feminine warmth.
It's a pretty name, and I especially like it as a middle name. I used to prefer it with an h at the end, but now I think the h is redundant. Nora Charles in "The Thin Man" series is an especially strong and elegant - if fictional - namesake. I'd consider Nora for a daughter.
I always thought this name sounded a bit dowdy. I guess I'm in the minority with that impression.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2009
The N is hard to pronounce. You end up saying Laura.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2009
I used to love the name Nora, but then my mom started reading Nora Roberts and the name sort of diminished for me. Of course if that is all it takes to sway my affections, then I'm not sure I could ever have really liked it truly. I much prefer Eleanor, which is one of my favorite names. Out of all the mean old ladies with this name nothing has made me second guess how amazing it is, so I'm pretty sure I'm safe.
I found Nora after reading the Ibsen play and it's growing on me. This is really shallow, but I feel like a pretty girl could pull it off, but on a plain or unattractive girl it would sound clunky and make her seem less feminine. Like I said, it's growing on me, but I don't really like Eleanor or Honora.
I love the name Nora. Partial to Nora without an h since my name is Tara without an h. But I don't know. Maybe I would name my kid Nora or have it her middle name. Also, I don't like the name Eleanor, I hate it. So I wouldn't name them Eleanor short for Nora.
My daughter's middle name is Nora - primarily after her great aunt Eleanore. It's a great way to name her after a special person without the old sounding name.