Wish this name wasn't so dated because it has the same dark mystique as names like Veronica or Simone.
― Anonymous User 3/25/2023
This name is not as common as one might think. This is very common as a middle name but not so much as a first name. Beautiful name. Also Nicky or Nicki are cute nicknames.
― Anonymous User 2/13/2023, edited 2/13/2023
My name is Nicole Lea (pronounced Lee). I woiuld rather have my name than Ashley, Amber or Jennifer which are way too common for first names from my time, I guess I'm kinda unopinionated about the name altogether or I never gave it much thought before. Born in 1977 my dad supposedly got the name from a Soap Opera while visiting his mother. In my family Lea is the feminine form of Lee. I have met a few other Nicole's as a first name over the years but no more than 3 or 4. Now my son who was born in 1995 knows many girls with the middle name Nicole, I'm not sure I understood why it's so commonly used as a middle name. When I was younger I used Nikki for sports but my favorite nickname is probably Cole & my Mom calls me Nic. My biggest pet peeve is when people try to put an "H" in the spelling (Nichole). It's a very common thing people tend to do but it really gets under my skin for some reason. Personally I've never known another Nicole who spelled it with an "H" (Nichole).
I like Nicole, it has an unassuming, clean corporate feel to it...hard to explain but that's the imagery it conjures in me. I also think of Christmas, coal, offices, New York and London. Nicole is a mysterious reserved young woman from the 90s with somewhat Elvish features and long brown hair, she works for a legal entity and dates a Cuban called Mike. She probably smokes straights.
I really hate the name Nicole. This name reminds me of some bratty girl who took a photo with my ex-crush. She always acts like a straight A student but actually using her sister's notes and charges other people for using that note. Also, people with this name are not lucky in love life, their type is dull and looks childish (a primary school boy I mean).
My mother named me Nicole waay back in 1981 and I have so far met only one other...a teenager no less! In my opinion Nicole is indeed a rare first name. I like the name but I do still get called Nicola quite a lot...only recently started correcting people who do this. Nicole and Nicola sound nothing alike. Nicole is much better.
I hate this name. It sounds terrible. It sounds just awful. I know at least 25 Nicole's.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2021
I always liked my name and for many reasons. Still, I do see it to be a common name as a middle name now. I have met about at least 7 others in my life who have their middle name as Nicole. For first name I have only met one other, and I have moved to multiple countries, states, cities, etc. in my life. Isn’t that common as first name I have seen, but is a very common middle name.
There was a girl at my graduation with the name Nicole. I had a huge crush on her, but didn’t have the guts to really talk to her. I still can’t forget about the whole thing.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2021
The name only makes me think about a bratty girl.
― Anonymous User 4/22/2021
Feminine and pretty. I love the name Nicole.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2021
― Anonymous User 3/3/2021
I don't like it! It's boring, there is nothing much interesting about it! Looks a little bit too dry and also doesn't sound mature. Just a boring name!
I love it! Nicole is so pretty, and a classic that will never get old. I'm surprised that people say this name is common, I have only heard of 1 or 2 Nicoles. I also like the spelling Nikole. :)
My name is Ashley Nicole, and though my name is pretty ordinary I love the story about how it was picked out. It was among my parent's list of girl names next to Brittany Renee, though they never told my grandma. My grandma randomly said one day, "if it's a girl, name her Ashley Nicole", which the fact she couldn't have known that was one of their choices definitely sealed the deal for my name lol. If I was a boy my name would have been Johnathan Noble :)
I love this name. It's a classic French name and when pronounced correctly is simply stunning.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2020
Honestly I thought I preferred the name Nikki over the name on my birth certificate (Nicole) but the older I got I realised Nicole is a lot more feminine and classy than Nikki. I now feel like Nikki is a bit of a stripper name, when I hear it I picture a naive, blonde, troublesome girl who’s only looking for fun, but Nicole sounds like someone who knows what she wants, it’s a lot more of a beautiful name than Nikki, I’m glad I went back to Nicole, it’s so much nicer than Nikki.
This name is actually my second name. I don't like being called by it but I think it's a really mature and elegant name for a woman. It actually balances out my name since my first name sounds so youthful. Also, 'Nick' is a cool shortcut for this name. Though it might sound masculine, it's actually quite endearing. I suggest this as a second name if you're going for a unique first name because it lessens the extravagance of the name.
Please do not assume a Nicole is a "Nicki, or Nikki," unless she says it's okay. This is the most annoying!
― Anonymous User 1/24/2020
I always liked the name. Though it's my middle name I go by it as my first name, parents thought it sounded better as a middle name than my first. Which years later they regret and wish they had put it as my first name so I wouldn't have to correct people by calling me by my "first name" so often. Still, I like it when people tell me it's their middle name and I say 'mine too!' & I get to see the confused look on their face for a second. I never liked the nickname Nicky and had to tell people to not call me that, instead I usually get Nico, Nick, Nicolette, Nicoletta. I've heard people say it's a fairly common name but I've only met one other Nicole once, so I don't feel as if it's a very popular name, or at least in my country. However, the pronunciation of my name is more like the French version NEE-KAWL & I usually have to correct people when they say ni-COL which, depending on the person, comes out as pretentious or it takes them a few times to get it right and then they're fine with it.
Nicole is the most beautiful name in the world. Nicole is the perfect girl's name because it's so pretty and it sounds so feminine and melodic and rhythmic. I personally love this name so much that I think "Nicole" is the most beautiful sound ever created by humans. I love literally everything about this name, it has such an elegant, graceful, feminine, melodic sound and is just so pretty, it's so much fun to say, "Nicole" can only be said properly with a smile on your face, as the name itself forces your mouth into a smile. Nicole is the most beautiful girl's name to ever exist and that has ever existed and will ever exist, whoever came up with this heavenly name is a genius. I'm so glad it's common, I just wish it was even more common. If you're a girl named Nicole, you should eagerly flaunt your beautiful name. You're so lucky to have such a mindblowingly pretty name.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2019
Nicole is my middle name and I go by and Nikki for short. I have always loved my name and thought of it as classy and beautiful.
― Anonymous User 11/4/2019
My first name is Nicole and my middle name is Elizabeth. I'm from the Midwest and Nicole is not as common for a first name as it is for a middle name. Family and friends call me Cocoa, Cole, or Nick. I ABSOLUTELY HATE the nickname Nicki! It sounds trashy! (in my opinion) So don't just assume a Nicole is a Nicki UNLESS she likes it and says it's okay. I've came across so many people who assume my name is Nicki because it's Nicole. Just don't!
― Anonymous User 9/10/2019
I have 2 friends in my friend group named Nicole and I really like the name! It is super pretty. Nikki is cute but I like Nicole much better. Nikki and Nicole have the same number of syllables so I personally don’t think this name needs a nickname. I still love the name though and don’t find it overly common. There are 4 in my grade but my grade has 600 kids so... not too common.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2019
This is my middle name and I LOVE IT but everyone calls me Chloe, which I don’t like.
This name is so pretty! How. The. Heck did it get labelled OVERUSED?!
― Anonymous User 4/5/2019
The upside of having a very common name is that there's an American fashion designer named Nicole Miller which is pretty great for me because that's also my name and I can just buy Nicole Miller bags and they effectively come pre-personalized.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2019
Nicole is my middle name, but I go by it rather than my first name because it's what my parents always called me. There were always at least one or two other Nicoles in my classes growing up. My family calls me Nikki, and I hate it. I've gotten my brother and my dad to go back to calling me Nick like they did when I was younger and also use Cole a lot among friends or online. On the upside, it's always amusing when I meet someone new whose first reaction is "Oh, Nicole is my middle name!" because I get to reply "Mine, too." They always have this great look on their faces before they realize I just go by my middle name and that my name is not, in fact, Nicole Nicole.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2019
Omg lol this is my middle name. And NIkki is a stripper name. If someone's name is Nicole, call them Nicole. Unless they have a problem with the name Nicole.
My name is Nicole Marie, which is very French; however, it means the same thing in any language... “Victory of the people.” Maybe the name is a bit overused but in times like these we could all use a little more of that. I was born in 1982, so this was my name before it caught on so rapidly but I love it just as much now as I always have. I notice most of the negative comments are left by people not revealing their name. I wonder what yours means. I’ve never been a slut or unkind to anyone, but I doubt my name has anything to do with that. Still, it’s a sophisticated, classy name that will never get old. To all you Nicoles out there, however you spell it, shine on my sisters from another mister. You know what we came here to do.
My mother wanted to name me Nicole and call me "Nikki" for short, but my father despised the name. They settled on Alexa instead. Nicole is my middle name. Thank you, Dad.
My given name is the masculine Slavic form of this name. I think Nicole is a very nice sounding name, suitable for either gender but preferable for a girl.
In 1988 you never heard that name, and if you did it wasn't very often. I just loved it. Was a girly girl name. Delicate. For given or middle name fits perfectly. And Nikki or Nick for short for the tomgirls.
To me, Nicole is the equivalent of Lauren or Ashley - just really overdone. It has a nice enough sound, but I'm desensitized to it after its immense popularity in the '90s. Also, I had a former roommate named Nicole who would harp about what a beautiful and unique name it was, so that also made it annoying to me, lol.
My husband's late grandmother's middle name was Nicole, and she always wanted to name her daughter Nicole... but she only had boys. I am having the first girl in the family and we are going to use Nicole as either a first or middle name. It is a beautiful, classic name. We are either going with Nicole Jewel or Jewel Nicole! :)
My name is Nicole, and I was born in the late 90's. Growing up, I did not like the sound of my name. I felt it was such a short, abrupt name that hardly sounded feminine. But now that I'm older, I'm realizing how great of a name for a girl it is. It may be short, but it's classic and easy to spell and say. It's not overly frilly or extensively long - it's just right.
Being born in the late eighties, I knew a lot of Nicoles growing up. Some I hated, some I was indifferent to. One of them is a lovely person who's still my close friend today. My main issue with this name is that it's ugly. It looks ugly. It sounds ugly. In addition to my distaste for its sound and spelling, it was so ubiquitous during my childhood that it makes me think of the Nineties and turtlenecks. Ugh. Nikki is a stupid nickname. Cole is too masculine to be a reasonable girl's nickname. Nicholle and Nicolle are just uglier spellings. In my opinion, if you're looking for a female version of Nicholas, go for Nikoleta. It's prettier and more interesting.
NIcole sounds like an obnoxious, arrogant popular girl. But reading all the forms of this name, it's not so bad.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2013
I really love the name Nicole, it is very pretty. And it isn't a snobby or bratty name in real life or movies. In the movie "Fear" the girl's name is Nicole and she is nice and sweet. Besides your name doesn't define your personality. At times I wish my name was Nicole.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2013
This is my name. Everyone says how popular it is but I've never met anyone else with this name.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2013
I've loved Nicole ever since having a French penfriend called Nicole - a very intelligent, sweet and chic girl. I still like it even though it's become a tad too common. Nicola is pretty but I find Nicole to be cuter.
Nicole sounds so bratty. It's very blah. It's my best friends name and she hates it but she doesn't want to be called Nikki because she says it sounds like trailer trash. I do prefer Nicole to Nikki. With Nikki, I picture a slore with too much botox and lip injections.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2012
Nicole is played out. It's a very old school name, long past its prime. It reminds me of when French names were popular. I do not recommend this name for a modern baby girl.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2011
My cousin is named Nicole but nobody ever calls her that. Family always calls her Nicki or Nick. I also had a best friend named Nicole and I'd call her Cole often. The name can work for different types of people.
My name is Nicole. I like it because it means "victory", plus my dad always wanted a daughter named Nicole and all the people I've introduced myself to say it's a really nice name. Yes, Nicole is a very popular name and it's SO cliche for people on this website to say "I hate this name because it's popular!" Honestly? If a name is popular, it means that it is a good name and people love it. People who say Nicole is an ugly name have my respect for their opinion, but it's probably coming from people who think the names "Ashley" and "Aubrey" should be used as boy names like they were 90 years ago. In movies, the Nicoles are often snobs or sluts. I am not a snob because I am friends with anyone is a nice, kind person with a good heart no matter who they are, what they like or where they came from and I am not a slut because I am a virgin and will stay that way until I'm married. I am very outgoing and friendly. People need to get over the stereotypes of ALL names, not just Nicole, and parents should use whatever names they like on their children because commentary on this website is not popular opinion. Sorry, but I felt like I needed to stick up for this name after reading the comments.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2011
Nicole is a nice name. It's overused though. And no offense to the Nicoles out there, but I think that every Nicole I've met in my life was a conceited snob; but those are just the ones who go to my school. Other than that I like it because it means "victorious".
Nicole is ok, its boring and over used though. I like Nicola a lot better. I despise the nickname Nikki, though. Man-ish, trashy, stripper-ish etc.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2011
Nicole is sooooo boring. Too many people with this name also. I would never in a million years name my child this because to me it sounds like a dumb, stuck up girl. Also it doesn't even have remotely interesting origins.
My name is Nicole. It kind of bothers me at times because it is boring and overused. And there are no good nicknames for it. Nick or Nicki is too masculine and when somebody asks "Can I call you Nicki?" I always say, "No." My brother calls me "Cole" and my parents call me "Koli Bear" (shh don't tell anyone) but it's not like anyone by default is going to call me Koli. Sure, there are times when I like it and it's cute. I've only met two or three other Nicoles and it's not like it's like the name "Allison" and you hear it everywhere. But, still. I like unique names and Nicole just isn't anything special. But I might as well be grateful it was Nicole, a name I can live with and not some name I really dislike.
I was born in '91, and Nicole was a *very* common name in America at that time, especially in my area (Chicago). I knew tons of Nicoles growing up. One was my cousin, who we called Coley (as far as I know, she hates the nickname Nikki). And there were two Nicoles in my junior high graduating class--one was pretty decent, who went by Nikki or "Nicole V" for the teachers (to separate her from the other one), and the other Nicole. Well, let's just say that I didn't get close enough to her to hear anyone else call her something besides Nicole, because she was an *awful* human being!So, I would say my association with that particular Nicole put me off the name, except I was never really a big fan of it in the first place. To me, it's just a really harsh name, like both syllables ("nih" and "cohl") are emphasized with equal force. I guess it would work as a middle name, but I don't think I'll ever use Nicole in any capacity--*maybe* as a character name. Still like it better than Ashley, though (which was *the* most common name of my generation).
― Anonymous User 6/29/2010
So cool, and it's one of those names that's safe, never gets boring or hated, haha!
― Anonymous User 6/28/2010
I think Nicole is most common for middle names. Why can't parents pick something unique for their children instead of overused garbage?
― Anonymous User 4/23/2010
I like the name Nicole (especially as a first name). Sadly, however, 1 out of every 5 people I meet have the name "Nicole" as their middle name. Sometimes it can get redundant. Please don't get me wrong, it's a pretty name (it's my middle name), but lately it has been over-used.
I'm a Nicole, and I'm not a fan. There were several other Nicoles in my high school, and only one of them wanted to be called Nikki. All the rest of us hated it. There are a lot of worse names that my parents could have named me, but I've always felt generic and like my name says nothing about me as a person.
My middle name is Nicole and I know several people who also have the middle name Nicole. It seems as if it is very popular to use as a middle name. I don't like its popularity, but other than that I think it's a perfectly fine name.
My older sister is named Nicole, born a year and a half before me, when this was one of the top girls' names. She was one of many Nicoles at school. As for me, I've always loved the name, but I think it's played-out.
Nicole is really overused, but to any people out there that like it and want a cute nickname, try Coie.
― Anonymous User 7/2/2008
I don't like this name, it sounds like neck hole.
― Anonymous User 4/15/2008
My name is Nicole and growing up I thought my name was so plain and boring. I have grown to like it lots more now that I'm older though. I also love my nickname, Nicky. I think it's cute.
I think this name sounds sweet. All the Nicoles I know are really nice.However, as a really little girl, I was unable to pronounce the name-- it always came out as "Nickel".
I think Nicola is ugly and I don't really like the name Nickoline and Nicky is not an attractive name for a gal. This is my middle name, and it is pretty popular as a middle name which is where it should stay.
A lovely, classic name! A bit overused as of late, but I am nonetheless proud to call it my own! Looks good with my middle name, too. Nicole Ashley. :-)
I named my youngest daughter Nicole after a neighbor I had when I was a little girl. We call her Nic or Nici. I don't ever put a "K" in her name. I never understood why people use a "K" when the name is not spelled with one.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2007
I like the name Nicole. It sounds friendly and fun. I like the nickname Nikki.
In my high school graduating class we had 8 Nicoles & it was a rather small school. Because of this, the name will always be very (early/mid) 1980s to me.
― Anonymous User 2/5/2007
I like the nickname Colie. All the Nicoles I know are submissive and shy.
I really don't like this name very much at all. However, I do find a certain elegance and class to it. I once saw Nicole Richie referred to in a magazine as "Nic", and since then, I've fancied this name only for that nickname!
My Name is Nicole I used to not like it to much as a child but now as an adult I love my name! But it seems to be fading out. It's now more of a middle name and spelled Nichole, But I think it's a great name! Very pretty and for some funny reason all the Nicole's I've ever met have been dark featured like myself. But on the nickname Nikki it's ok. But I like to spell it Nykki. Something different and new! But Nicole sounds more mature than Nykki I think.
My name is Nicole but I never really liked it. For me, Nicole is someone who is blonde and kind of a snob, and I'm not that girl. My name is Nicole Anna Felicia, and a lot of people kid me about it because of Anna Nicole Smith. In Sweden we pronounce it like ni-KOLL and that's really ugly. I told you, I'm not a fan of my name. ;) And my brother is named Nicklas, and one of my favorite names is Nicholas, I could never give my son that name! Just hear it, Nicole, brother to Nicklas and mom to Nicholas. *sad*
This is my name! I have always liked it and it has fit me to a T! I have always been outspoken for the underdog, fighting the good fights. Victory of the people, or victorious people, may have given me some big shoes to fill! It is beautiful and thankfully not too played out. Plus there are some nicknames you can associate with it or variations also. Nikki, Nicolette, Nichole, Nic, Cole, etc.
It's far too common in the UK but it's a nice middle name.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2006
Nicole is too popular. It's a nice name, but I think it's a better middle name than first name. My 2nd cousin was recently given the name Aria Nichole. I think it should be spelled NICOLE.
My mother almost named me Nicole, and I'm glad she didn't. It is a nice name and all, but it's just too popular in my generation, as both a first and middle name. Plus, I've never thought I look much like a Nicole.
Nicole is too overused. It's like everyone is named Nicole. It's also used too much as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2006
I think Nicole/Nicola is a very cute and sweet name for a girl even though it is used often. However, I hate people who call a Nicole/Nicola by names like 'Nicki' or'Nick'.
Nicole has gotten to be a very common name, it is pretty though. I have also heard people complain that they hate the nickname Nicki, I would probably use it as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2006
I don't mind this name. If I used it, it would be a middle name. I have heard from many that they hate the nickname Nicki.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
I'm not a huge fan on the name Nicole. It's my best friends name, and she hates it. Everyone calls her Niki.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2006
My middle name is Nicole, and four or five of my friend's middle names are Nicole too. I don't think there are any Nicole's in the school I go to, first name I mean.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2005
Nicole is a nice name but I'd rather hear Nicola.
― Anonymous User 12/1/2005
My name is also Nicole. I am from the Midwest and here it is more common to hear the name Nicole as a middle name, not a first name. I used to hate my name, but as I have grown, my name has also grown on me.
My name is Nicole. It's becoming quite popular in Ireland and more than a few babies where I live are named it now. My teachers often say my name NEE-cole. I take a lot of comments about that car advertisement from a few years back 'Nicole?' 'Papa?' But I like my name anyway.