Oh wow! These people are ruthless. I honestly love my name, I was rarely called Ni-CH-ole growing up, more often I was accidentally called “Nicholas” by new teachers and “Michelle”. For those implying that it’s ugly and the incorrect spelling— what about the name “Chloe” do you suggest that people pronounce it as CH-loe? Good grief.
For both spellings- Nichole & Nicole.. I have always loved this name and thought of it as classic beauty!
― Anonymous User 11/4/2019
Love Nichole as a strong middle name and feminine form of Nicholas. It means “Victory” the CH spelling is Old French or Norman derived from old Germanic languages. I think it looks very nice aesthetically as well.
I'm a Nichole. I used to hate the spelling but now I embrace it - it's different. I also embrace the "hole" in my name, it cracks people up when I say, "Nichole, n-i-c-H-O-L-E. There's a hole in my name!" I also get nicknamed "nitch-ole" or "chole" and I don't mind it - again, it's different and people seem to like it.
Nichole just doesn't look right. The only decent spelling is Nicole. Nichole is irritating and unpleasant looking. There's a reason for why the spelling of "Nicole" has always been WAY more common :D.
― Anonymous User 3/4/2017
I love this spelling of Nichole and not just because it's the way my name is spelled! It has a beautiful balance when written because of the H, and seems to me to be more formal than the traditional Nicole. Not to mention that people always comment on the unusual spelling, which makes a fairly common name seem more special.
I've never been fond of the name Nicole, but I'd far prefer the original spelling to this version. Like other commentators, I also dislike how it has the word "hole" in it. It makes it look like the name should be pronounced "Nik-HOLE." At least it's not Nackhole, the worst kreatyv spylyng of Nicole I've ever seen.
This is my middle name, and it is spelled with the "H." The only reason it is spelled this way is because I'm named after my great grandfather Nicholas. I actually do prefer the other spelling, but I am proud to be named after my grandfather and I would never get rid of the "H". :-)
This is my middle name and it is only spelt this way because of a mistake made by a relative. I didn't even know anyone else who spelled it this way till 2 years ago. I am told it is common but I have not met very many Nicoles, let alone very many Nicholes.
I don't like this spelling. It looks sort of dumb, because really you've taken the French feminine form Nicole (of which there is not really an English equivalent, although Nichole can function that way, even though it's not a traditionally used English name like Nicholas is) and put an 'h' in it, but if it were still French it would then be pronounced differently, with a 'sh' sound.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2007
I don't like this spelling Nic-hole. I just don't like how it has "hole" in it. It's just my opinion. =)