Comments (Pronunciation Only)

For all the absolute morons with little conception of the English language, including its diversity. How do you pronounce names and words such as?:
Fae, Jae, Kae, Mae, Rae, Tae, Shae, Macrae, McCrae, aery, aero, aerie, tael, spae, brae, frae, faery, aedes, aerate, aerily, jaeger, maenad, sundae, reggae, aerobic, aerosol, aeroplane, diaeresis, etc.So, unless someone should fancy a different spelling, that is just as rationally within reason, Nevaeh is spelled and pronounced JUST FINE.Also, within English linguistics, ANY vowel can be pronounced as a short or long vowel, and an 'h' can be voiced or silent. The difference being that words must be spelled as they're meant to be, whereas names have more leeway.Whether this beautiful name is pronounced Ne-VAY, Ne-VAY-eh, or Nee-VAY-eh, all are linguistically correct and, therefore, JUST FINE. However, NOT Nu-VAY or Nu-VAY-a, or any other pronunciation that will require a different spelling. It will change the meaning of the name, but if within reason, not its beauty.LASTLY, every name on the planet is "made up". Someone, somewhere, had to conceive it. It didn't just create itself with fairy dust. Unbelievable. 🙄.
This is my name! I don't know how other people would pronounce it, but my family and I always pronounced it Nuh-vay-a. I hope this helps :D.
OH PLEASE! BE KINDER!This isn’t even my name, but I’m totally fine with it. Ninety five percent of you guys are complaining that there is no meaning behind Nevaeh. It means heaven! Why don’t you complain about Jalen instead, literally an invented name. In your defense you will say Jalen sounds and looks better... then don’t complain about the meaning in a rude way. Provide a kind and gracious opinion, negative or positive, but don’t blast a fine name! I know it’s not the best name but I’m just pointing this out to y’all.
This is my friend's name, but she pronounces it Nuh-VAY.
Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backward ,we all know that & I think it's kinda cute, but I always wondered why they pronounce it Ne-va-ya If the A comes before the E in the Name N-E-V-A-E-H. It should be spelled Ne-Vay. I named my Daughter "Zahara Samarley" ZAHARA means "to shine brightness" I wouldn't change her name for anything because to me her name is beautiful, strong & unique. If I'm blessed with another daughter one day she will be named "Zaveah Sanari" ZAVEAH means "firm defender". So if you love the name Nevaeh go for it... But it is pronounced Ne-Vay not Ve-Va-Ya.
I wouldn't expect this name to have one easy pronunciation. It's not like any familiar English words, is it?
But here's why most say nuh-VAY-uh:
Ignore the fact there's an "ae" in there and look at it this way: ne/va/eh.
The "ne" makes a "nuh" sound.
The "va" makes a "VAY" sound.
And the "eh" makes an "uh" sound.As for the name itself, I think it'd be easier just to name her Heaven, so ignorant people don't assume you're some form of sub-human trash. Look, I don't LIKE this name, but I understand that there are people who like the sound and the concept of heaven being spelled backwards.
I pronounce as "ne-vah-eh".
I think this should be pronounced with two syllables. After all it's "heaven" spelled backwards and the word "heaven" has two syllables. So pronouncing it as ne-VAY-uh seems kind of weird, even though I'd prefer it over ne-VAY.

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