Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is such a pretty name, it’s a shame it can’t really be used nowadays….
It’s a very pretty sounding name! Just... unfortunate connotations now.
My mum has an old friend with this name, she's a lovely woman. Looking at the comments here I don't think the name has ever been associated with Nazis, so you don't need to worry about that. It's a beautiful name.
Also the name is pronounced nah-zee-ah here in eastern Australia :)
This name is completely unrelated to Nazism, but as someone whose family was affected by the Holocaust (I'm not Jewish (Christian, Catholic specifically), and my family wasn't, but I don't want to talk about it because it gets me really mad.) I don't think I'd use it. Maybe it's a great name in other cultures, but not mine. In Poland we still remember the Holocaust. Auschwitz is in Poland, a camp where a million lives were murdered. In my home country there were millions of people being murdered and there was nothing people could do except hide Jews, and there was a big risk factor with that. You hide them and they're found, you get sent to a Concentration Camp or die. Auschwitz and other Concentration Camps are right in Poland for everyone to see. This is a good thing to remind everyone about the horrors of the Holocaust, so hopefully nothing like this ever happens again. My family in Romania was also affected, but I don't want to talk about it either. I believe the Holocaust had a big affect on everyone in Europe. Not a good name in Polish, Romanian, German, and English speaking countries.
Absolutely anti-semitic. Never give a kid that name, people will only think it is derived from the name of the psycho-treacherous government responsible for claiming over 6 million lives.
This name is completely unrelated to Nazism and is in no way anti-Semitic. There's nothing wrong with an Urdu or Bengali speaker giving their child a culturally-appropriate name, and there's really no point of trying to establish a connection like that. You're just making yourself look foolish.
I was afraid that the first four letters of this name would be inappropriate to anyone worldwide. That’s all. But forgive me if this isn’t true.

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