A very handsome, powerful name. I think the nickname Nate ruins the strong, handsome Nathanael though. In my opinion, I prefer Nathanael to Nathanial because Nathanael looks more natural to me and more strong.
Hmm, I never knew of this spelling before. I prefer it being spelled "Nathaniel" though. Oh well, I still love this name. =D.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2014
I plan on, if I ever have a son, naming him this. I think it's strong biblical, and Nathan makes a nice nickname. It's very masculine but works for a child. PERFECT!
I really love this name, and it's one of the names I know I want to give to my son. Also, I like this so much better than Nathaniel. I don't know why, but the "i" really bothers me.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2007
This isn't the most common spelling of this name but I like the biblical reference to it.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
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