Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't have a problem with this as a first name. It doesn't sound like a surname to me like Johnson or Jackson. Rather, it reminds me of other male first names like Billy or Bobby. But Murphy gives the impression of an old man in my opinion. It doesn't sound like a female name. If you want a similar sounding female name, how about Miranda or Sophie or Phoebe or Melanie or Stephanie?
Too surname-y.
My name is Murphy and I am also a woman. I feel like many people think that the name isn't good; especially for a girl. However, I feel that it fits my personality extremely well, and when I tell people my name they usually like it. Concerning nicknames, I agree that there aren't many other than Murph, or even Mo. But I love that my name is unique and that it is something that I can't picture myself being called anything else.
Very ugly. I do not like surnames on girls, and the nickname options are limited. Also this name just reminds me of the word "barf".
It's only splendid as a surname yet awful as first name. Plus the Cillian Murphy association is too heavy. He's an incredibly good actor with a nice personality but it'd be annoying to repeatedly deal with jokes or comparisons, specially at school time.
Unfortunately this name always reminds me of the sensation of speaking with your mouth full.
This is a dog name.
Ugly on both genders, and I really cannot imagine this on a girl.
This is a surname, doesn't sound right as a first name.
Personally, I'm surprised people don't like Murphy. I love my name...
Only Americans use last names as first names, and the rest of the English world is laughing at them.
Murphy sounds so harsh as a given name. I don't like it even on a boy and I do like masculine names! It's just too rough and coarse. It would be okay on a cat or a dog, though.
I would name a cat this, in honor of Eddie Murphy.
I hate this name for both sexes. I can't really imagine it on a guy, and on a woman, it sounds very ugly. It actually sounds like the name of a shabby middle-aged woman with a hideous 80s-like hairstyle with hair that looks electrified and ugly, loose-fitting clothes.
People seriously use this as a first name?

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