Found out about this name from the song "Some Velvet Morning" and I can't tell if I genuinely like the name or if the song just gave me a romanticized view of it.
Haha this is my name, and I’m grateful for it... but there is a significant connotation behind a name like Morgana that prospective parents should consider. It made me stand out in Midwestern America. The deeply conservative and devout treated me with suspicion, the well-read often started small talk by asking if I’d ever read the Once and Future King, and the particularly nerdy always mention one of many characters bearing the same name. I had conflicted feelings about it when I was younger, but now I’m glad I am Morgana. I do think it’s beautiful, and others often comment that it is, but the weight of its cultural impression was difficult to bear when I was growing up. Characters named Morgana are almost always morally ambiguous, or a cat.
I love this name! Both the names Morgan and Morgana are beautiful. Can't believe some stupid people commented here everything about these two names. Maybe a mother wants to name her baby Morgan or Morgana. For your little brains this name is perfect and good enough for a little girl or a future lady.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2021
Morganna is also a variation of this beautiful name. It doesn't sound witchy and it's a strong name.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2021
Despise! Old lady name! Can't imagine it on a woman under 60, see my comment for Jordana.
Morgan is one of my favorite girl names! It’s kind of weird for Morgan to have a feminine form. I mean it’s a unisex name like Jordan that still has a feminine form, but unlike Jordan, Morgan is more popular for girls than for boys! Both the masculine form and the feminine form are used for girls typically! Morgan is actually more of a unisex name than Madison though! Morgana and Morgane are nice feminine forms for Morgan, even though I still think of Morgan as a feminine name, it’s still a unisex name!
― Anonymous User 1/26/2019
Morgan is a unisex name that is strongly associated with girls. But the feminine form of Morgan just means that it’s just slightly more delicate than Morgan. So Morgan can still be mostly for girls and still have a more feminine version. Oh, I see what you’re talking about. This name is beautiful and elegant, though!
― Anonymous User 10/28/2018
Personally, I find the name Morgana magical, but good, and associate it with the awesome Morgana from Persona 5 (even though he is a guy) and is voiced by the amazing Cassandra "Cassie" Lee Morris.
I find this name to be a beautiful alternative to Morgan, which I find to be rather harsh and masculine on girls. You'd never find Morgan on a girl in Wales.
I have the name Morgan, and I agree that it sounds a little boyish. When I had a substitute once in class, she called my name for attendance and looked for one of the boys. Then I called "here" and she looked a little surprised. Morgana is a beautiful name and I would love that name.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2016
I love this name, just not the fact that it's associated with Morgana Le Fay and witchery.
― Anonymous User 3/2/2016
My name is Morgana and I LOVE my name. Only met one other person with my name. Very uncommon.
The name Morgana (I pronounce it "mor-gon-uh") sounds so much prettier than Morgan. I think Morgan should stay for boys, and Morgana should be used on girls instead of Morgan.
Morgana is a name given to a female sorcerer who is believed to have a relationship with a powerful alien who will sometime come to destroy this earth. This is what I got off my mind. But I believe there's a deep message behind that name.
I understand some people don't like the name but me and my husband love it. We are naming our second daughter Juliet Morgana! Very unique pretty name in my opinion. Which is what I was going for.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2015
Morgana is one of my favorite names. It helps that I'm a medieval history / Arthurian romance enthusiast, and I like names imbued with those vibes (particularly names containing Ms, Ns, Os, Vs, and Ws). For all those saying "just go with Morgan" - Morgan is still used on boys as much as girls, and personally I find it to be too masculine to use on a daughter.I actually knew a Morgana once, in college. I remember thinking her full name sounded very... upper-class, cultured (I think the Brits use the word "posh"); and while I believe came from money, she was actually quite down-to-earth. She was a nice, intelligent person - and very beautiful - so she's altogether a good association for the name.It's a shame some people are put off by "witchy" vibes (personally, I like that the name implies something "magical" - and I say this as a Christian), or that people would go so far as to mistreat a child with this name (as one anonymous poster implied farther up).
My name is Morgana -- it's unusual and pretty, sure, but to be honest, I don't like having it. It's a hassle more than anything else.People keep forgetting my name, or mispronouncing it; there's the "morg-ann-uh" pronunciation, which I have, or the "morg-on-uh" pronunciation, which everyone else thinks I have -- oftentimes, they just give up trying and call me Morgan instead. Sometimes teachers in school didn't even try to say it at all, and just called me by my last name.Don't name your girls this, please - it's more trouble for the poor girl than it's worth. :(
― Anonymous User 7/20/2014
My mother named me Morgan and when I was little my friend from school asked if it was short for Morgana (she assumed it was). At the time I wished it was! Because Morgana is definitely a feminine name versus unisex.
I don't think Morgana is "ugly" and to be honest, I certainly don't think of a strong, overpowering "witchcraft" association whenever I hear this name. I agree it is quite "unusual", but I think of that in a good sort of way. :)
― Anonymous User 4/14/2014
Isn't it interesting that merely adding the extra "a" at the end of Morgan completely changes the feel of the name. Some people may feel that extra letter is over-doing it, but I beg to differ.Morgana has this mystical, exotic feel to it. Much more interesting than Morgan.Unfortunately, this name is associated with several fictitious villains. Even without these associations, Morgana does sound a bit... spooky. It shall remain on my guilty pleasure list.
My name actually happens to be Morgana. Personally, I like my name, but I have little patience for anybody who mentions Morgan Le Fey or Arthurian legend, too many people do. Also, it is a bit inconvenient to live in any sort of "bible-belt". Some people have judged me by my name and its association with witch-craft.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2013
I've ended up really liking this name. I much prefer it to the far more masculine and overused Morgan, which I have never liked, and never will. I really like the much more mystic/magical Morgana. :-)
I think Morgana is a beautiful and unique name, I have never met a person named Morgana. I also like Morgana a lot better than Morgan on a girl (to me Morgan sounds like a boy name only).
― Anonymous User 2/24/2008
I love the name Morgana! I have names picked out for if I ever have kids, and Luna Morgana is one of them! Besides, it doesn't matter if Morgan is a girl's name too. Maybe some people just prefer the sound of Morgana over Morgan! I know I do (though Morgan is a great name too).