Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Moira, an incarnation of the poignant mourning which has always existed in the span of time, evokes a melancholy lament for the memories that fate, like a capricious weaver, has chosen to bestow. Moira... a beautiful, wistful whisper of what once was and what could have been. A somber reflection on the threads of destiny which work tirelessly to tell our stories and paint dreams for us to find solace in. In its bluish-grey syllables, there is a longing for nostalgic memories that fate, with a whimsical, erratic hand, has chosen to either cherish or cast away. A bittersweet lament for the paths untaken, the moments lost and the welcoming of the challenging gales which will undoubtedly threaten to pull at the heartstrings... as simple as it may sound, few names have ever made me feel such strong emotion, and I do believe there is an even deeper dream concealed by crossed arms.
I think this name is very unique and pretty, reminds me of Wendy Darling from Peter Pan since this was one of her middle names. Also I don’t get the “moist” comments; they don’t really sound all that similar besides the beginning slightly. I didn’t even think of that when I first heard the name.
Ugly, sounds like moist.
Sounds Spanish to me for some reason. I like it a lot.
Reminds me of "Moist".
It sounds like a very ancient name from the wilds of Ireland or Scotland. I like it.
I like this name but it is probably more common on the east coast of the US. I live in the West and this name is at best rare if not unheard of altogether. It sounds like a grand Irish name though. It makes me smile.
My name is Moiré. I hated it as a child because it was difficult for everyone to say, so they all called me Maura. But now as an adult I love my given name. As far as nicknames I could never get use to Mo. My mom did sometimes call me Miora.
This is my name and I personally like it but it's hard for most people to pronounce. Most people call me Mo, but they like to spell it Moe. I'm not a man, people! It's MO! (by the way, I'm not mad... I'm actually laughing!)
I don't like the "oy" sound in this name.
I don't like this name at all. It sounds like someone with an annoying accent is trying to say Myra or something.
I don't like the way this name sounds and looks at all, it's very ugly. Whenever I hear this name, I imagine an old lady who likes to smoke all the time so her voice is all rasp.
The name Moira was given to 113 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
I dislike this name because it reminds me to Moira Orfei a famous owner of an italian circus who is very very tacky!
This name is very pretty, though I pronounce it "MWAR-ah".
This is a beautiful and underused name, which I've always heard pronounced MOY-ruh (there was a Moira at school).
It seems to me a very modern name. It's my mother's name and suits her just fine and it's not very popular (she's the only Moira I know).
The way the 'o' and 'i' sound follow each other isn't very pleasant-sounding.
I love the name Moira, I prefer Moirah though. I think the final 'h' gives it a kind of magical expression. I love that. If I'll ever have a daugther I might call her Moirah.
Very rich and full and sweet like a good dessert.
I have several Moiras in my family, and all pronounce it MORE-ah, not MOY-rah. I think it's lovely, and a nice alternative to Laura, Nora, Zora, Dora, Cora, etc.
A very beautiful elegant name.
I LOVE the name Moira because it's kinda my name, lol, but anyone looking to name their baby Moira rocks!
I always think of Peter Pan, because Wendy's name is Wendy Moira Angela Darling. That's actually how I fell in love with it.
I know a darling little girl named Moira. I think it's an adorable name, even though the pronunciation sometimes throws people.

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