My name is Miracle actually, I was only named that because I was born premature and i wasn't gonna make it, until i did. I spent more than the average time in the hospital than I was supposed to. btw my cousin calls me Mira just so he can shorten the name. I personally don't like my name, but everyone seems to love my name so I have no other choice but to love myself the way I am, even if it's me having a rare name that is considered strange and unusual. Ty for reading đź’šđź’š.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2023
It actually kind of sounds really pretty as a middle name. As a first name, it's a bit unusual, but by no means bad. I actually kind of like this name.
― Anonymous User 12/25/2021
Pretty, but sounds a bit weird as a name. Mira could be a cute nickname though.
I’d only use it if my daughter really was a Miracle or could play classical music on the piano at 1 years old or died when she was born.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2021
I absolutely adore Miracle for a name! I mean, come on, it's undeniably gorgeous! I completely respect everyone's opinions on names, but I just feel the need to get a few things off my chest...First off, my (real) name is Breathe. So it's probably pretty obvious that I usually get some pretty strong reactions whenever I introduce myself. Of course, I've heard things like, “Just breathe, Breathe!”, (When I'm nervous): “Just remember your name”, “Don't forget to breathe”, the list goes on. Also, considering the fact that I have asthma just makes it all the more ironic and worse haha. But honestly, I feel like, at least for the most part, my name probably grows on people the more they hear it and get used to it, and some people seem to love it the first time they hear it! More importantly, though, I love my name, regardless of who else does or does not. In fact, it's one of my favorite things about myself! I'm grateful that my mom chose it for me.Anyways, my first point in all that is this: I've read a lot of comments on this site that criticize “made-up”, “not real”, and “tacky/trashy” names, but I just wanted to say that, no name is any of those things. Just because “breathe” is an English word doesn't make it any less of a name; besides, there are plenty of common word names that have been used for years, such as Ruby, Sage, Christian, Rose, Faith, Chance, Grace, Hope, Charity, Sky, Amber, Chase, the list continues. So, if those words can be names, then why can't words like Breathe, or Miracle, or Dance, Adore, Jubilee, Rejoice, Praise, Mountain, November or Believe be? I understand that everyone has their own preferences concerning names, and that's totally fine! It's a good thing. However, I just don't understand discriminating against a name solely because it's different, or “trashy/unreal/ridiculous/etc.”. The second thing I wanted to go over regarding names is this: I've also read a lot of comments calling names “ghetto”... I think that's absolutely ridiculous. It's quite racist, if nothing else, and it's just drowning a name/the person it belongs to in a sea of stereotypes. So, to clear any of those stereotypes about a name being “ghetto”: First of all, even if it does sound “ghetto” (whatever that means), what's wrong with that, anyway? To call someone else's name “ghetto” only makes you sound entitled and non-relatable. Although names are meaningful and powerful and can say a lot about a person, you can't judge a book by its cover, nor can you judge a person by their name. Also, concerning race, names don't have skin-tones. They may have culture, but not skin colors. I'm just going to leave this issue at that.The last thing about names that I wanted to get off my chest is this: I've read a decent amount of complaints about girls with traditionally-male/male-dominated names... I can understand how, especially considering the rise in unisex names (specifically for girls), guys might feel as though, pretty soon, every name is going to become unisex, and guys won't be able to have “any names to themselves”. Although I understand where those people are coming from, it's honestly pretty selfish. I mean, say you're a dude, and your name is Camden, alright? If you meet a girl named Camden, that doesn't make you any less of a man, and it doesn't make your name any less of a masculine name. Nor does it make her name any less of a feminine name. Her name says a lot more about her than it does you. Her name has everything to do with her, and nothing to do with your masculinity. Besides, you need to take into consideration the reasoning that goes into these names for girls... If you're a guy, you don't really have to deal with sexism, at least not in the same way that women do. Parents (specifically mothers) might desire to give their daughter a predominately-masculine name in hopes of breaking the mold, bending gender rules/expectations, and encouraging female empowerment. For guys, I understand that it may be easy to overlook things like that, but if you really take time to think about it and take all of those important things into consideration, it'll give you a greater sense of empathy, and perhaps even a different opinion on traditionally/predominantly-masculine names for girls.Overall, I've adored baby names since I could speak, and I've always been so interested and fascinated by their sounds, meanings, origins, the list goes on. So I just thought I'd share this, as I really felt the need to get it out there.Anyways, thank you for taking the (long) time to read this, haha. I truly do appreciate you hearing me out on something that holds a very special place in my heart.God bless you, and have a wonderful day ❤️.
I knew a Miracle. She was very premature and fought challenge after challenge in the NICU. I thought it fit her so well! Also, I wanna shout out Breathe J's comment because that's fire.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2020
Weird- I wouldn’t use this as a name.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2020
Strange as a name! Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
My mom named me Miracle because she had 4 miscarriages before me.I don't dislike the name but, sometimes it feels like it doesn't fit me. I feel like the name can be used with a significance or not, doesn't really matter to me.
People who find the name tacky and çorny are very stupid. It is a nice name with a good meaning. I'm better off named Miracle than a popular name with no damn relevant meaning.
I LOVE YOU MY MIRACLE! There are so many reasons a mother chooses the name MIRACLE. There are lot of situations, and problems within the world today, unexplained mysteries that no one can explain. The name MIRACLE isn't just chosen, there is definitely a reason. The name MIRACLE is a beautiful name.
This has a lovely sound to it. I agree with the above posters; please only use this if it has significance. In that case, it is a beautiful choice, but without significance, it is simply tacky. Miracles are simply wonderful gifts from Him, and that makes a beautiful meaning for the name.
― Anonymous User 11/21/2017
My sister's name is Miracle and I think that she is a Miracle because she has been there for me when I was down or sad so don't judge a person's name if you do not know them and nobody judges your name so don't judge someone else's.
My name is Myracle. I am not religious, nor am I anything spectacular. I don't see why I got named that. I think it's ugly, cliche, and extremely tacky. Besides that, do you know how many stupid puns I've had to listen to about my name? I get it Mom, I was your first real daughter, but come on, I'd rather be named April the second than Myracle. At least my dad's spelling made it somewhat different.
I have the same impression of this name as Destiny. I don't believe in miracles, so it really has no significance me or my life. However, if you do believe in miracles, this name is probably great to you. It just comes off as a little pretentious to me.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2015
I happen to love my name. My parents named me Miracle because they were told that they would never have children and went through 5 miscarriages prior to my birth. I do agree with most comments here that this name should mostly be used if it has some sort of significance to the parents or the baby.
My name is actually Miracle. My mother gave it to me because she wasn't supposed to have any child, and when she got pregnant with me she had a lot of problems and I was supposed to have autism, but I came out healthy and was always a grade A student. So this name does not mean you are stupid, or ignorant. I like the name if it has significance to it, not if someone just likes the name.
This name sounds like it has to have a story behind it - if I met somebody named Miracle, I would guess that her parents named her that because they had a hard time getting pregnant or her mother had a difficult pregnancy. It doesn't sound like something people name their children just because they like how it sounds. (A previous comment mentions the character from "Dancing on the Edge," who was given the name because she was "born from a dead woman.")
Sound: 7/10 pretty but does not flow smoothly. Spelling: 10/10 Perfect. Uniqueness: 10/10 not common at all! Overall: 8/10 Miracle is unique and pretty and I love names like this, just have to give it an 8 because it does not sound very pretty. ~Peace.
Usually, I would think this kind of name (Miracle, Destiny, Fate, Precious, etc) is very tacky, but something just seems to appeal to me about Miracle. I agree with the above poster who said it might lead to teasing, so I might use it as a middle name instead of a first name. Let's hope, however, that people don't go all kreatyve on the spelling of this name, and ruin it!
This name is beyond corny. People who give their daughters "names" like Miracle, Heaven, and Destiny tend to be the opposite of what they name their kids.
Even if it's practically a Miracle that your daughter was born in the first place, this name is very tacky and bizarre. It will surely lead to jokes, maybe even bullying, and it can't be good in terms of credibility. I mean, what do you really expect from a person named Miracle? I'd assume she came from a very strange family, maybe even a cult family, and that she isn't all that educated or intelligent.
If you're going to use this name, use it only if it has true significance to you, not because you merely like the meaning. I see this name as becoming just another trendy name (however nice that the word is).