My name is Milena (mee.len.ah) and Mila (mee.lah) is a short form of my name sometimes used by my family and close friends. When I was very little my parents would shorten my name to Mimi, then later to Mila. As a grown woman now in my late thirties, I definitely prefer being called Milena, as I personally find Mila a little too cutesy.
This is my mother's name. She was born in 1948. Her given name is Immacolata, an Italian name meaning "immaculate" and Mila is the short form by which she's always been known. Imma, pronounced EEM-ma, Mela, pronounced ME-la, and Mila, pronounced MEE-la, are given names or short forms of the same name.Throughout that time, it's been moderately popular in Italy and quite rare in North America. I'm first- generation Canadian of Italian ancestry and have personally known a few Melas, and besides my mother, one other Mila (all same given name Immacolata). The only other I knew of was Mila Mulroney (wife of now late Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney), followed by Mila Kunis in the late 90s (who likely contributed to its present/recent popularity), as well as a cousin who spells it Mela, whose name is also short for Immacolata, and uses the pronunciation MEE-la as an English transliteration.Given its rarity, it's odd to see its increase in favour, but nice, as I've always considered it a beautiful name.
Mila is a very cute name but it is so popular now I feel like it will seem dated in 10-20 years. I feel the same way about the name Aria, which I also love but wouldn't use for this reason.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2024, edited 1/29/2024
Reminds me of Mila Stauffer... It's a nice name, I like it better than Maya or even Mia for that matter. I would pronounce it Me-lah.
Very nice name my cousin has that name it's a very pretty name it comes from ancient history a queen named Mila very cool name.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2022
I prefer Mia over Mila because it’s a mouthful.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2022
Mila sounds like a trendy version of Mia, it’s hard to pronounce. Just like Lola it does not flow.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2022
I first heard this name 6 years ago, and I thought it was pretty unique. I’ve noticed that Mila has suddenly become super popular and there was a point where I felt like every baby girl was named Mila. I like the name Mila and I think it’s a really pretty name for a girl. I know someone who named her daughter Mila 3 years ago, and the name was probably at it’s peak at that time. I think Mila is one of those names that were super trendy for a short amount of time, and it is probably because of Mila Kunis or its similarity to Mia, which is even more popular so maybe parents saw it like an alternative to Mia. But it is a pretty name so I see why. I would use Mila as a middle name for a girl.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2022
Mila is a very pretty name. I pronounce it MEE luh. It’s definitely in my top 10 names for a girl.
I agree this was so trendy for a short period of time... kind of like the Debbie’s of the 60s.
― Anonymous User 12/26/2021
So overdone and so over it!
― Anonymous User 9/28/2021
I recently legally changed my name to Mila-- as I'm transgender, and I've always loved that name. It's very unusual to me, I originally heard of it because of Mila Kunis, and the name stuck to me for years. It's seemingly not a very common name here in America (at least from what I've heard), but it is in central/eastern Europe. I of course think it's a beautiful name.
This name was SO trendy for a short period of time.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2021
This name is so lovely! It's on my top list - Mila, Rose, Grace, Willow and Clara.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2021
Something similar like Mia, only with an extra L in it. While Mila looks a little bit better than the really boring Mia, however also nothing much interesting about this name.
I love Mila so much. My Slavic roots make this name very dear and special to me. I understand this might not be everybody's thing, but to me it is wonderful. Much love!
I feel like every other birth announcement is Mila. I’m kind of over it.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2020
Okay, but there are better names out there!
― Anonymous User 12/18/2020
Cute, but I don't like how popular it's getting. I've had Olivia picked out for over 10 years and it's became so popular, I don't think I can use it. Mila is riding the same wave.
I like Mila for a name. It's very pretty. I prefer the “my-luh” pronunciation. I really like the sweet meaning, “gracious, dear”. I like Mila both as a nickname (especially for Camila) and as a full first name. Although it is very popular, I don't think its prominence has to ruin the name. It's still beautiful; in-fact, its fame just goes to prove that! Also, I think Mila would be a cute “sister name” for Maya, Mia and Miles. Lastly, commenter “Ivypool8465” mentioned that the name is a combination of two music notes (“mi” and “la”), which, especially as a devout music lover, I think is very cool and creative. Overall, I think Mila is a nice name.
So trendy. I see this name every other week in birth announcements. It was actually at the top of our list until I said it a few times (pronounced Mee la). It just annoyed me having to say it for some reason.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2020
My name is Mila [MEE-la] but my mom named me that because she wanted me to have a name no one else had...And I was not named after Mila Kunis.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2020
Pretty cute, but it's very trendy. There are probably a bunch of Milas under the age of 5 currently. Along with Everly and Luna, I think Mila will become dated to the 2010s.
JEEZ! This name is too gorgeous for me to even say it! One of my best friends has the name Mila! Honestly, if I had a daughter, I would give her the name Mila, because the name defines the beauty and purity that my child would have!
It's pretty and has a cute meaning, but hard to pronounce for most and it's getting too trendy, mainly because of the actress Mila Kunis. I wouldn't be surprised if this name dies as much as it got popular in the next 10-20 years.
I don’t particularly like this name, but I have a friend named Mila. She’s very funny, but “gracious” or “dear” are not what comes to mind when I think of her.
Mila is a very beautiful name, however it's becoming very common. I think it would be a lovely nickname for names such as Camila or Milena.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2019
Actually even in Slovenia we use Mila as a name, the various names have the element 'Mila' inside them: Ljudmila (Lyudmila)- ljud-people Mila-kind, aka "kind to people", Bogomila (rare)- bogo/bog -god/gods, Mila- kind/-->aka "kind with gods" or "gods are kind with her" and so many more. I particularly don't like my name (Mila), because everyone thinks I am calm and kind. Maybe I am not like my sister whose Slavic name means barbar (barbarian), which describes her pretty well. In my opinion this name is kinda heavy and it sticks in your mouth when you say it... or it is just me...
I've never known that the meaning of the name Mila is so good. I feel like, wow... because my real name is Patmila, my nickname is Mila, but my friends and family usually call me 'mil'. And the name of Mila that I get is absorbed from both my parents' names. Besides, in my country (Indonesia) there is no special meaning for the name of Mila.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2017
It's nice as a full name but I like it best as a nickname for Millacent.
It's pretty and simple, but a bit too simple for me. I prefer names with a bit more spunk and edge that Mila simply lacks. I find it a little too soft for my taste.
Yes it's pretty! I like it a lot. Not because of the actress, although she is the one who brought it to light. It's pretty, refined and simple. And feminine!
― Anonymous User 2/8/2015
It's feminine and pretty. I really like the meaning too (gracious, dear, loved by the people). It's quite universal sounding too.
I really love this name (& many M names!) but worry about its' rising popularity (due to Miss Kunis?) & that it may be a trend name that becomes dated. I think feeling dated is worse than the popularity issue. It is similar to the popular Mia & Maya and other lovely alternatives like Mira, Maisie, & Macey.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2013
Not so unique anymore, unfortunately. In 2012, it ranked 115. That's just too big and sudden of a leap for a name that wasn't even on the charts 10 years ago for me. It stinks, because this is a pretty name that could've been unique.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2013
Everyone likes this name? Really? A relative was like, "It's too bland. All the other names have a certain punch to them but this one is just blah..."I have to say I agree, something about it is easy to overlook. Plus the male version, Milo, sounds better.