Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Damn, never thought Mello's real name would be a Slavic one Haha.
Mihael, Michael, Mihailo, I like them all because of meaning-it's the name of commander of God's army, an Archangel. In Orthodox church Mihailo is represented with sword of flame in right and scales of justice in his left arm. He is also patron saint of some families. And I liked Mello's character a lot. ;)
Mihael sounds so sexy to me. To me, a Mihael is gentleman like and strong. If I were Slovene, I'd name my son Mihael.
I think this is a very sexy name for any boy, and the fact that it's completely rare to behold is very intriguing. If I have I son, I plan to name him Mihael. It's quite irregular, and that's what I love about names like this. You never hear of them.

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