My name is actually Meriwether, and I've never been able to view it in a masculine way because I am a girl and it's just a bit odd to try and imagine a guy with this very fem name. I don't know but I have liked it so far. Sometimes I sit in front of my mirror and think WHY IS THIS MY NAME WHY CANT I JUST BE LIKE A SOPHIA OR SOMETHING but I really do like it. I've only ever met one other Meriwether in my life, and he was my neighbor. He was roughly 17 years older than me though.
This is my surname, albeit one of the other spellings (Merryweather), and I think these days it is better remaining a surname. Having said that, it perhaps wouldn't be so bad as a second middle name, especially if it's a mother's maiden name and she wishes to pass on (as the surname is quite uncommon these days). I however, plan to pass it on to any children I have, by using it as their surname instead (sorry future husband). The best way to preserve rare surnames, is to keep using them as surnames, not use them as given names!
― Anonymous User 10/8/2018
I wouldn't mind seeing this come back as a name. And I for one fail to see how a man with this name wouldn't be taken "seriously" in the professional world. He would have the higher professional ground as any employer who ridiculed his name obviously dropped out of high school. EVERYONE who graduated high school in America knows Meriwether is Lewis' first name. If I were a man named Meriwether, I wouldn't work for an ignoramus who ridiculed my name.
Not a fan of this one. It would be cute on a little boy, but no good on a grown man who wants to be taken seriously, and unfortunate on a depressed teenager.
I have never been able to convince myself that Meriwether is a masculine name, even though I loved studying about Lewis & Clark back in school. Perhaps it's because Meriwether is the name of one of the good fairies in "Sleeping Beauty" (the other two being Flora and Fauna), one of my favorite Disney movies growing up. Meriwether will always sound feminine to me. In fact, I think it would be really cool to see this on a baby girl today.
I would love it if this name came back. Some high brow movie star should name their kid this, just to see if it catches on.P.s. Merry's full name in Lord of the Rings is Meriadoc Brandybuck, not Meriwether.
Such a happy name! It ought to be used more often! It's gorgeous! I wouldn't mind using it! I might give a son with this name the nickname "Merri," and his twin brother Peregrine would be called "Pip!"
Not only would he be teased mercilessly by his peers he would not be taken seriously in the professional world. Yes this is a pretty name. It's a bit old fashioned, not so trendy and very classy. I would consider it for a middle name.
Sorry, but I would NOT call a BOY Meriwether. It sounds like a girls' name to me and would actually be really pretty on a girl, but on a BOY? Sorry, it just sounds really fluttery and efeminite! Any boy with that name would probably be teased mercilessly by his peers.