It is a cute name for a horse or a dog. But for a What about a name that means something like Meadow? Such as Blair, Leah, Vega, Hayley, Shanon, Dallas, etc..
― Anonymous User 3/1/2025
I’ve never been a big fan of nature names, but Meadow is an exception. It’s cute, but not immature, unique but not made up. It’s perfect.
I was born in '92 and I've personally never watched The Sopranos so I can't say the association with it bothers me, and the name is no more hippy dippy than Brooke or Lily or Daisy or Autumn, I just think those are more common nature names so society is used to them, but the name Meadow sounds probably the most pleasant to me of most nature names and I really like it. I was happily surprised when my husband mentioned he liked it as a middle name for a daughter if we have a girl, it's very charming and sweet and would suit a tomboy too I think. We are hippies though hahaha.
My name is Meadow and I truly hate it. It has hippy-ish connotations that I feel have never really suited me. I was bullied over my name in school and other kids in high school assumed I was a stoner. I work in a corporate environment and feel like I don't get taken seriously and I often get asked if my name is a nickname. Do your future child a favor and choose something less unique.
― Anonymous User 12/7/2020
So beautiful.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2020
This is awful!
― Anonymous User 9/28/2020
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
My 16 year old daughter's name is Meadow. We love the name, she loves the name. Everywhere we go she gets compliments on how beautiful her name is. I have had several young girls in their 20's tell me if they have a daughter they're going to name her Meadow. Her middle name is Leigh. After we chose the names we found a baby book that listed the meaning of the name Meadow as "Beautiful Field" and ironically this book listed Leigh as meaning "From the Meadow". I'm not sure if I still have that book as she was our last child. We are not hippies at all, sometimes just the right things fall into place, and I think in a way the names chose her. She very much represents a "Meadow", and oddly enough my husband's last name means "of the mountain".I say I think sometimes names choose us because the only time I had a baby book was with her and as I said she's my youngest. After we got the book we looked up the names of our other two children. My son's first name turned out to mean "He who overcomes" and his middle name means "Mighty Conqueror". And my eldest's first name (which is Swedish) is a variation of the name Christian and middle name a variation of the archangel Michael.All of the names fit perfectly together in meanings yet we did not plan a single one to be that way.Meadow has a couple of friends that call her Meds, but she doesn't really care for it. We always just called her Sweetpea which seemed to fit with her name and she loves that nickname.Only one person has ever made a comment about Meadow Soprano. Apart from Paul Walker's daughter, the actress that played Martin Short's daughter in the movie Captain Ron, her name is Meadow as well. It's funny how you notice things like that after you give your child a unique name.While some people might think these names strange and don't like them, if you look into the meanings of everyday common names that have been accepted as normal for centuries you'll find there are many where the meanings of the name came from nature (Glen/Glenn is one I can think of... or even my mother's name, Windy). So a name like Meadow really isn't as strange as it seems.I've been following the name Meadow in indexes since she was born and it is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly more popular. In two decades it may be as common as Ashley or Autumn.
― Anonymous User 8/4/2019
I have a young cousin named Meadow, and she is adorable. Her name fits her so well! I find the name so soft and beautiful, and uncommon as well. I love it and don’t think it is a hippie name. It is perfect!
― Anonymous User 6/27/2019
My name is Meadow and I genuinely love it. I used to not like it because I could never have a nickname and that people would think it’s weird, but everyone loves it! I always get complimented about my name. And before you ask, no my parents aren’t hippies. They like the name Meadow and think it’s pretty like anyone else... and I love it and I think that’s all that counts.
My name is Meadowe Joy. Yes, it has a E at the end of it. I was named after a city in Texas, just as my sister is, as well as my uncles, aunts and father. It's fun to have that being the case! I love my name and I like that it's not as common as most names, although it is going up on the list as the years go by! Having an E at the end makes it even more different and fun to have!
You may already know what I'm about to say but, here, my name is Meadow and I happen to love my name. As a more masculine female I've tried to find soft but confident sounding male names to replace Meadow with, since I felt I wasn't taken seriously. I was blind to see that I was taken seriously and I was also blind to see that I was just trying to conform to normality or, society. I tried Caleb, Joseph, Declan, Dean, Abraham, Abradiahman, Emmanuel and, so much more but none of it reminded me or gave me the feeling I felt when I was called Meadow. Noel, my middle name, was also too soft to replace my true name. Eventually, instead of refusing people's compliments over my name I accepted them. Your name is special, it's like a glove, it is quite hard to find another glove out of tons that will fit exactly like your true name. Your name makes up who you are, me-Meadow, is an independent person who has a hard time asking for help, who also tries her best to be a good person and is persistent no matter what. That's me, that's what my name represents and I will never change it because I love my name.
My 13 yr old daughter's name is Meadow. I love this name. When people hear it for the first time I usually get "I love that name", but sometimes a grimace. I love original names. When I was growing up I had 4 friends named Heather and 3 Jennifer's. So all you haters, go name your child Emily, Hanna, Abby, and I will keep my beautiful, unique, Meadow. And by the way, her nickname is Red (she has auburn hair), nicknames don't always have to be about the name, but we call her Meadow most often because it even sounds pretty without thinking about the beauty of the meaning.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2016
My name is Meadow. I do not have a nickname, no I was not named after the Sopranos. No my parents are not hippies, my name is just Meadow. At first when I was younger I did not like my name. Now I do because at school I am the only Meadow which make me feel unique, not less of a human. I get compliments all the time on it. I love that my name is not basic like Megan or Nicole (nothing wrong with those names, I just prefer for myself to be different). My name can be a pet name but so can names like Jack and Chloe. There is nothing wrong with my name and there is nothing wrong with anyone's name.
I do not like the name Meadow. It seems tacky to me, as do most "word names", and it doesn't seem like it would age well. I kind of find this name hippie-ish too, and I put it in the same category as Sunshine and Rainbow.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2016
I love the name Meadow for a little girl. It sounds fresh and earthy. I like that there aren't any obvious nicknames. Not fond of the inevetable shortening to "Med".
Meadow is such a beautiful name! I think this name deserves to be used so much more. To those who like the name Meadow, I also recommend the lovely, refreshing names River and Star. :)
― Anonymous User 3/6/2015
Almost all names can find nicknames. There are nicknames for Meadow. I know a Meadow who goes by Wendy. It's a more modern name but it's got a cute retro vibe in keeping with the current revival trend.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2013
Oh my god this is actually in the top 1000?! I've lost all faith in humanity.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2013
Is it bad that I like so many 'hippie' names? (Brooke, Skye, Autumn, etc :)
Since English isn't my first language, I used to think this name was pronounced Mee-dow and not Med-o. It's a little disappointing. But I still like it.
This name has really been growing on me, but I will never use it as a first name of a human.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2008
I've heard worse, but it is a bit of a hippie name, and thus not necessarily great in terms of credibility. Besides, the poor girl might be made fun of.
This is my best friend's name, and I think it is beautiful. Recently, she asked me if she could think of any nicknames for it, and I had to admit I couldn't. But I think that that really is the only flaw with it.
But for a
What about a name that means something like Meadow? Such as Blair, Leah, Vega, Hayley, Shanon, Dallas, etc..