It makes me inexplicably sad that after more than 130 years of use, Maurice has dropped out of the U.S. top 1,000. This beautiful traditional masculine name needs to be resurrected.
I first heard this name because of the store. Younger me thought it was a girl's name. The '-ice' part just gives me feminine vibes. Wouldn't be surprised to hear this on a girl someday.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2022
Maurice makes me think of my friend who is kind and thoughtful and shares this name. I love the name and it’s nice to call him Mo, but sometimes he gets ‘Monty ‘and Mozza’!
― Anonymous User 3/19/2022
I like it better than Morris! Sounds simple, innocent, and kind.
I love this this name. I was first introduced to this name because my mom named her old moose plushie 'Maurice.' Now I associate this name to be essentially Canadian / French Canadian, or very nature-esque, which is a good thing!
Much too ethnic sounding. Very Jewish, old fashioned.
― Anonymous User 1/31/2019
My one year old son's name is Maurice. Named after his uncle, grandad, great grandad and so on. I love it, certainly the only one I know, and so much rich history.
My Grandpa's name! I like the name a lot, and recently, I met a kid who was 9 who's name was Maurice, and I was surprised! (I really like old fashioned names, and if I had kids, I would give them old fashioned names instead of young, unprofessional names like so many kids names today).
All I can think of is the old text they'd show on the European MTV2 back in 2005 and 2006: ''Would you name your child Maurice?'' or something similar. My answer would be ''no''. It sounds old-fashioned and unpleasant.
I can't possibly picture Maurice as a pimply teenager. To me Maurice is a refined, good hearted, older man. If he's a bad boy, he's a good guy "bad boy".
My ex boyfriend is called Maurice. I have fallen in love with the name and hope to get away with calling this to my first boy (I wonder what the ex will think if that?). His dad was known as 'Mozz'. Maurice has forever been called 'Morris'. But I prefer the pronunciation of 'Moreece' with the spelling of Maurice.