Maura B. Mast is an Irish-American mathematician, mathematics educator, and academic administrator, specializing in differential geometry and quantitative reasoning. With Ethan D. Bolker, she is the author of the textbook Common Sense Mathematics. Mast is dean of Fordham College at Rose Hill, part of Fordham University.
Maura O'Connell is an Irish singer. She is known for her contemporary interpretations of Irish folk songs, strongly influenced by American country music.
Maura Murphy, née McNamee (1928 – 2005) was an Irish writer. Her autobiography Don't Wake Me at Doyles became a surprise hit upon its publication in 2004.
Maura and Britta were two 4th-century Christian martyrs. They are venerated as saints, but their story is lost. According to Gregory of Tours, their relics were discovered by his predecessor as Bishop of Tours, Eufronius, in the 6th century. Their feast day is 15 January.