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This name can also be a Masculine name, making this name a Unisex name. Masculine popularity might be due to the Marvel Comics Franchise.
It's also used as a Masculine name in several African countries like Nigeria and Ghana. It's also popular as a Masculine name in the Philippines and several other countries. Comics to the USA Social Security Administration, 22 boys and 5 girls were named Marvel in 1990.
29 boys and 21 girls were also named Marvel in 2017.
In 2021, 29 boys and 28 girls were also named Marvel.
Also in 2022, 30 boys and 30 girls were named Marvel in 2022.
Recently in 2023, 28 boys and 27 girls were recorded with the name Marvel.During the period form the 1980s to 2012, very few to zero girls were recorded with the name Marvel and it's predominantly a Masculine name in that period—with 19 boys and 0 girls recorded with the name Marvel in 1994. in the UK Office for National Statistics census of England and Wales, 6 boys and 0 girls were recorded with the name Marvel in 2021. In the UK, it's more common as a Masculine name.

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